Limpar% windir% \ Installer [duplicado]


O diretório do Windows (10) Installer é enorme, com mais de 25 GB para mim.

Existe alguma coisa que possa ser arrumada aqui?

Além disso, para que serve?


Como remover isso parece uma coisa ruim eu posso armazená-lo em outro lugar? Definitivamente não precisa estar no SSD.

por BanksySan 07.11.2016 / 21:14

1 resposta


Você pode excluir arquivos com segurança no diretório% windir% Installer?

Along the same lines as removing items from the Windows component store to save space, we have recently seen a couple of questions come in about the Windows\Installer directory. This is a hidden system directory; it is used by the Windows Installer service to cache installer data files for various applications. Over time, this directory will grow and can eventually take up an amount of space that might cause pressure on thinly provisioned storage, such as virtual hard disks.

So, the question usually asked is: Can I safely remove the files in this directory? The answer is flatly: No

First, it is not supported. If you remove files from this directory and have >issues, you may need to reinstall the application to get back to a good state. Therefore, that would suck for both you and the engineer that needs to deliver >that message.

Second is the overall idea that you really should not remove items in the Windows directory. We build and test our software based on the existence of specific files and directories. When those files and directories dont exist, bad things can and will happen.

The proper way to alleviate space pressure in this directory is to uninstall any unneeded applications.

Você pode excluir com segurança arquivos no diretório% windir% Installer?

por 07.11.2016 / 21:23