Você pode tentar isso no AutoHotkey. Não faz nem mesmo coisas básicas, como redimensionar a janela, mas pode funcionar para você. Além disso, a primeira caixa de entrada não é rotulada, mas é o diretório de trabalho a ser usado. Depois de digitar um comando e pressionar enter, ele ativará a atualização automática depois disso e será executado automaticamente a cada pressionamento de tecla a seguir.
; CommandConsole.ahk
myTitle := "Command Console"
myFont := "Courier New"
myFontSize := "10"
xMargin := 10, yMargin := 10
xSpace := 10, ySpace := 10
txtWidth := 700, butWidth := 100
inputHeight := 20
outputHeight := 600
firstRun := True
immediateExec := False
Gui, Add, Button, x0 y0 w0 h0 default gbutSubmit, ; default button used for grabbing text entry
vertical := yMargin
Gui, Font, % "s" myFontSize, % myFont
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x" xMargin " y" vertical " w" txtWidth " h" inputHeight " vWorkingDir", . ; current directory is default working directory, i.e., "."
Gui, Font
Gui, Add, Button, % "x" xMargin+txtWidth+xSpace " y" vertical " w" butWidth " h" 2*inputHeight+yspace " gButAuto vButCaption", % "Auto-Update'n" . (immediateExec ? "On" : "Off")
vertical += inputHeight + ySpace
Gui, Font, % "s" myFontSize, % myFont
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x" xMargin " y" vertical " w" txtWidth " h" inputHeight " gEditUpdated vtxtInput",
Gui, Font
Gui, Font, % "s" myFontSize, % myFont
vertical += inputHeight + ySpace
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x" xMargin " y" vertical " w" txtWidth+xSpace+butWidth " h" outputHeight " vtxtOutput " ; disabled"
Gui, Font
vertical += OutputHeight+yMargin
Gui, Show, % "w" txtWidth+xSpace+butWidth+2*xMargin " h" vertical, % myTitle
GuiControl, focus, txtInput ; focus on the command input for entry
; GuiClose() - Exit app when GUI closes
GuiClose() {
; butSubmit() - No-size button to capture Enter keystrokes when auto-update is off
butSubmit() {
EnterWasPressed := True
if firstRun and !immediateExec ; set auto-update after the first command is executed if it's not set already
EditUpdated() ; on subsequent
; EditUpdated()
EditUpdated() {
global ; easy access to GUI vars
Gui, Submit, NoHide
;tooltip Edit was updated: %txtInput%
if immediateExec or EnterWasPressed {
guiControl,, txtOutput, % RunWaitOneB(txtInput, WorkingDir)
EnterWasPressed := False
lasttxtInput := txtInput
Gui, Submit, NoHide
if (txtInput<>lastTxtInput)
setTimer, EditUpdated, -1
; ButGo() - Called every time the user clicks auto-execute True/False Button
ButAuto() {
immediateExec := !immediateExec
guiControl,, butCaption, % "Auto-Update'n" . (immediateExec ? "On" : "Off")
if immediateExec
; RunWaitOne() - From AutoHotkey Help for RunWait (has annoying command prompt flash up)
RunWaitOne(command) {
shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell") ; WshShell object: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aew9yb99
exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C " command) ; Execute a single command via cmd.exe
return exec.StdOut.ReadAll() ; Read and return the command's output
; RunWaitOneB() - Get stdout by writing to a temp file vs. reading the buffer
RunWaitOneB(command, WorkingDir:=".") {
tmpFile := A_Temp . "\temp.txt"
FileDelete, %tmpFile%
RunWait, %comspec% /c %command% > %tmpFile%, %WorkingDir%, Hide
FileRead, output, %tmpFile%
return output