MS TS Web Access (https: // localhost / RDWeb) não funciona após a atualização para o IE11 (do IE9)


Pode fazer login no Explorer, no entanto, ao atualizar do IE9 para o IE11, recebo a seguinte mensagem:

Browser Not Supported

This Web browser is not supported by RD Web Access. RD Web Access requires Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.

You can download the latest version of Internet Explorer from the Windows Update Web site.

por Michael 01.07.2015 / 23:29

1 resposta


Acredito que esta é a sua resposta: link (ou para opções mais não recomendadas: link )

If you have upgrade to IE 11 you may recieve the following error when trying to use RD Web access.

Error: Browser Not Supported - This Web browser is not supported by RD Web Access. RD Web Access requires Internet Explorer 6.0 or later. You can download the latest version of Internet Explorer from the Windows Update Web site


First of all this fix ONLY works on RDS Gateway servers with 2008 R2 SP1 installed. If you try it on a server without SP1 it will get rid of the error but you wont see any remote apps.

  1. Login to the RDS Gateway server
  2. Open Up IIS Management Console.
  3. Branch out the sites and then left click on RDweb. On the right hand side double click on HTTP Response Headers.
  4. On the right hand pane now right click and select Add…
  5. On the box that appears enter : Name : X-UA-Compatible Value : IE=9

Now do a IISRESET on the server and you should be good to go..

por 03.07.2015 / 11:55