Conecte o Android por meio da sincronização ativa com o servidor Exchange


Tenho problemas ao conectar meu Samsung Galaxy S4 (Android 4.2.2) ao nosso servidor Exchange usando o aplicativo stock mail. Um colega meu também tem um S4 e ele não tem nenhum problema em conectá-lo, usando a mesma versão do Android, etc. Isso é o que eu vejo no log de depuração:

Logger     -------------- New Log --------------
Logger     Model      :GT-I9505
Logger     Build      :I9505XXUEMKF
Logger     ChangeList :2082040
Logger     -------------------------------------
2013-12-30 17:56:50:792 7910 9120 [AsyncTask #1] ExchangeService| !!! EAS ExchangeService, onCreate
2013-12-30 17:56:50:796 7910 7910 [main] ExchangeService| !!! EAS ExchangeService, onStartCommand, startingUp = false, running = false
2013-12-30 17:56:50:802 7910 9662 [Binder_4] AbstractSyncService<825>| Testing EAS:, ithost\ooms.veerle;null, ssl = 1
2013-12-30 17:56:50:812 7910 9662 [Binder_4] EmailProxy| host = null
2013-12-30 17:56:50:819 7910 9662 [Binder_4] EmailProxy| port = 0
2013-12-30 17:56:50:820 7910 9662 [Binder_4] ExchangeService| getClientConnectionManager ssl = true, port = 443
2013-12-30 17:56:50:826 7910 9662 [Binder_4] EasSynService| create and return deviceType : SAMSUNGGTI9505
2013-12-30 17:56:50:829 7910 9662 [Binder_4] EmailProxy| host = null
2013-12-30 17:56:50:830 7910 9662 [Binder_4] EasSynService| getUserAgent()
2013-12-30 17:56:50:831 7910 9662 [Binder_4] AbstractSyncService<825>| sendHttpClientOptions(): URI String:
2013-12-30 17:56:50:832 7910 9662 [Binder_4] AbstractSyncService<825>| Authorization:***********
2013-12-30 17:56:50:834 7910 9662 [Binder_4] AbstractSyncService<825>| MS-ASProtocolVersion:2.5
2013-12-30 17:56:50:835 7910 9662 [Binder_4] AbstractSyncService<825>| Connection:keep-alive
2013-12-30 17:56:50:836 7910 9662 [Binder_4] AbstractSyncService<825>| User-Agent:SAMSUNG-GT-I9505/101.403
2013-12-30 17:56:50:842 7910 9662 [Binder_4] EmailProxy| host = null
2013-12-30 17:56:50:845 7910 9662 [Binder_4] EmailProxy| port = 0
2013-12-30 17:56:50:847 7910 9662 [Binder_4] ExchangeService| getClientConnectionManager ssl = true, port = 443
2013-12-30 17:57:05:874 9094 9104 [Binder_1] EmailProvider| EmailProvider.query: uri=content://, selection : protocol="eas" match: 16384
2013-12-30 17:57:05:927 7910 9120 [AsyncTask #1] ExchangeService| !!! EAS ExchangeService, stopping self
2013-12-30 17:57:30:888 7910 9662 [Binder_4] AbstractSyncService<825>| executePostWithTimeout(): Unexpected exception org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to .. timed out
2013-12-30 17:57:30:890 7910 9662 [Binder_4] AbstractSyncService<825>| IOException caught: org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to .. timed out
2013-12-30 17:57:30:898 7910 7910 [main] ExchangeService| !!! EAS ExchangeService, onDestroy
2013-12-30 17:57:30:900 7910 7910 [main] DiscourseLogger| Service=destroyed sStop=false sServiceThread=Died
2013-12-30 17:57:30:925 9094 9377 [AsyncTask #3] EmailServiceProxy| validate returns 1
2013-12-30 17:57:30:928 9094 9094 [main] Email| message : null
2013-12-30 17:57:30:936 9094 9094 [main] DiscourseLogger| [email protected] status=failure reason=Cannot connect to server
2013-12-30 17:57:32:699 9094 9094 [main] Email| EmailFeature    CscFeature_Email_EnableOnDeviceHelp: false
2013-12-30 17:57:33:693 9094 9094 [main] Email| EmailFeature    CscFeature_Email_EnableOnDeviceHelp: false
2013-12-30 17:57:34:213 9094 9094 [main] Email| EmailFeature    CscFeature_Email_EnableOnDeviceHelp: false
2013-12-30 17:57:39:438 9094 9094 [main] Email| EmailFeature    CscFeature_Email_EnableOnDeviceHelp: false
2013-12-30 17:57:39:441 9094 9094 [main] AccountSetupExchange| Had to set CBACert in onNext = null
2013-12-30 17:57:39:443 9094 9609 [AsyncTask #5] EmailProvider| EmailProvider.query: uri=content://, selection : address like ? and login like ? and protocol not like "smtp" match: 16384
2013-12-30 17:57:39:447 9094 9609 [AsyncTask #5] EmailProvider| EmailProvider.query: uri=content://, selection : emailAddress='[email protected]' COLLATE NOCASE match: 0
2013-12-30 17:57:39:464 9094 9094 [main] Email| AccountCheckSettingsFragment onActivityCreated
2013-12-30 17:57:39:465 9094 9094 [main] AccountCheckSettingsFragment| CM Test!!! default case= 4
2013-12-30 17:57:39:468 9094 9118 [AsyncTask #1] Email| Begin check of incoming email settings
2013-12-30 17:57:39:487 7910 7910 [main] DiscourseLogger| Service=created sStop=false

Eu tentei conectar-me ao FQDN de nosso domínio (myDomain.local), pois li isso pode ser um problema. Também tentei conectar sem SSL. Tenho certeza de que minhas credenciais estão corretas, mas parece que a conexão expira, mas não sei por que ...

por Jonathan Kortleven 07.01.2014 / 10:55

1 resposta


Meu firewall bloqueou o tráfego entre meu telefone e o servidor do Exchange. É por isso que a conexão expirou. Depois de permitir que o tráfego do Exchange passasse, tudo funcionou como um encanto.

por 20.01.2014 / 10:33