Você tem que fazer
export LC_TYPE=UTF-8
Na verdade, na minha máquina OSX que está configurada por padrão.
(Embora eu tenha dificuldade em descobrir se o OSX realmente define isso.)
Eu instalei recentemente o GnuPG 2.0.19 para usar o GPGME com o mutt (1.5.21).
gpg-agent.conf tem
log-file /Users/jan/gpg-agent.log
debug-level guru
debug 1024
lc-ctype UTF-8
e .bash_profile
contém export GPG_TTY='tty'
Ao tentar importar um certificado (incluindo uma chave privada) -
jan$ eval 'gpg-agent --daemon'
gpg-agent[823]: enabled debug flags: command mpi crypto memory cache memstat hashing assuan
jan$ gpgsm --import Backup/conf_home/certs/mycert.p12
- a interface de pinagem não é exibida. ps waux
mostra que gpg-protect-tool
e pinentry
são chamados -
jan 827 100.0 0.0 2432948 848 ?? R 9:34AM 0:34.87 /usr/local/bin/pinentry
jan 826 0.0 0.0 2434032 896 s000 S+ 9:34AM 0:00.00 gpg-protect-tool --homedir ~/.gnupg --p12-import --store --no-fail-on-exist --enable-status-msg --
jan 825 0.0 0.0 2434556 1112 s000 S+ 9:34AM 0:00.01 gpgsm --import Backup/conf_home/certs/mycert.p12
jan 824 0.0 0.0 2434908 636 ?? Ss 9:33AM 0:00.01 gpg-agent --daemon
- e gpg-agent.log
2013-05-24 09:33:57 gpg-agent[823] listening on socket '/tmp/gpg-830NIC/S.gpg-agent'
2013-05-24 09:33:57 gpg-agent[824] gpg-agent (GnuPG) 2.0.19 started
2013-05-24 09:34:06 gpg-agent[824] handler 0x7f8d93404b50 for fd 7 started
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 -> OK Pleased to meet you
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 <- RESET
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 <- OPTION ttyname=/dev/ttys000
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 <- OPTION ttytype=xterm-256color
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 <- OPTION lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 <- OPTION lc-messages=en_US.UTF-8
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 <- OPTION allow-pinentry-notify
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 <- NOP
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 -> OK
2013-05-24 09:34:06 gpg-agent[824] handler 0x7f8d93404f50 for fd 8 started
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 -> OK Pleased to meet you
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 <- RESET
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 <- OPTION allow-pinentry-notify
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 <- GETINFO cmd_has_option GET_PASSPHRASE repeat
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 -> OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 <- GET_PASSPHRASE --data --repeat=0 -- X X Passphrase: Please+enter+the+passphrase+to+unprotect+the+PKCS#12+object.
2013-05-24 09:34:06 gpg-agent[824] starting a new PIN Entry
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK Your orders please
2013-05-24 09:34:06 gpg-agent[824] DBG: connection to PIN entry established
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> OPTION grab
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> OPTION ttytype=xterm-256color
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> OPTION lc-ctype=UTF-8
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> OPTION default-ok=_OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> OPTION default-cancel=_Cancel
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> OPTION default-prompt=PIN:
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> OPTION touch-file=/tmp/gpg-830NIC/S.gpg-agent
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> GETINFO pid
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- D 827
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 -> INQUIRE PINENTRY_LAUNCHED 827
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 <- END
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> SETDESC Please enter the passphrase to unprotect the PKCS#12 object.
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> SETPROMPT Passphrase:
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- OK
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 <- [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpg-agent[824]: chan_9 -> BYE
gpg-agent[824]: chan_7 <- [eof]
2013-05-24 09:35:52 gpg-agent[824] handler 0x7f8d93404b50 for fd 7 terminated
2013-05-24 09:35:58 gpg-agent[824] command get_passphrase failed: Invalid IPC response
gpg-agent[824]: chan_8 -> ERR 67109124 Invalid IPC response <GPG Agent>
2013-05-24 09:35:58 gpg-agent[824] Assuan processing failed: Broken pipe
2013-05-24 09:35:58 gpg-agent[824] handler 0x7f8d93404f50 for fd 8 terminated
O manipulador é terminado manualmente (CTRL-C).
Quando gpgsm
ou gpg
são usados para gerar chaves, esse problema não ocorre (por exemplo, pinentry
é exibido corretamente), como acontece ao assinar ou descriptografar arquivos com gpg
. O que posso fazer para depurar isso?
Você tem que fazer
export LC_TYPE=UTF-8
Na verdade, na minha máquina OSX que está configurada por padrão.
(Embora eu tenha dificuldade em descobrir se o OSX realmente define isso.)