Como posso usar o emacs no TopCoder Arena?


Os TCEMacs parecem com o que eu quero, mas não vejo instruções de instalação e não consigo iniciar o jar.

por Rose Perrone 26.10.2012 / 23:01

1 resposta


Suponho que você esteja falando sobre a versão 0.2 do este plug-in

Se isso estiver correto, você realmente se incomodou em verificar o conteúdo do arquivo tc_emacs-0.2.tar.gz oferecido para download? Além do arquivo .jar, ele contém um README que contém claramente as instruções de instalação:

Install gnuserv. You can download it from or just use a package if your GNU/Linux distribution provides one. The gnuserv must be working before launching the Arena. The easiest way is to put


in your .emacs file. The gnuserv will then be started together with Emacs.

Make sure that you have Emacs/W3 Browser installed in Emacs. You can check it by typing 'M-x w3 '.

Put topcoder.el and TCEmacs.jar in some directory. The topcoder.el file should be loaded before using Emacs in the Arena. You can do that by typing 'M-x load-library /path/to/topcoder.el ' or you can just place

(load-library "/path/to/topcoder.el")

or, to load the file only when it is needed:

(autoload 'topcoder-set-problem "/path/to/topcoder.el")

in your .emacs file. I had some problems with autoloading, though. The keymap in the TopCoder mode did not sometimes work and I had to reload topcoder.el manually.

Make a work directory and set the topcoder-directory variable to its name. By default it points to a directory named topcoder in your home directory.

Launch the Arena applet and choose Options/Editor/Add. Type in a name (e.g. Emacs), TCEmacs as the entry point and a path to the TCEmacs.jar file in the ClassPath field.

Now choose a problem to solve. If everything went fine, you should see two new Emacs windows, one with a problem statement and the second one with a source code template.

por 29.10.2012 / 04:48
