"conselheiro de conteúdo" do Internet Explorer 7 desligado


Estou usando o Internet Explorer 7.

Eu desliguei o Content-Adviser. (Seus constantes pop-ups inviabilizam toda a idéia.)

Eu apaguei todos os meus sites "aprovados". Eu apaguei todos os meus sites "bloqueados". Eu desliguei todos os meus blocos de "classificação".

Eu desliguei TUDO.

Mas STILL pede minha senha.

Por quê? (E como excluo minha senha?)

por Sandy 28.12.2010 / 16:33

1 resposta


Há um pouco de informação sobre esta página :

How to Remove Content Advisor Password in Internet Explorer

The following steps will remove any password set in the Internet Explorer Content Advisor and allow you to reset the program to its original state.

1) Click on Start and choose Run.

2) Type in RegEdit and select OK.

3) Now click on the little plus sign1 to the left of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

4) Continue to drill down, always clicking on the plus sign at the left of the named key, through Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion and Policies.

5) Now click on the Ratings folder.

6) In the right pane of the RegEdit window, you'll see an icon called Key. Click on it and press Delete.

7) Exit RegEdit (e.g., by clicking on the X button). You've just deleted your original Content Advisor password.

8) Restart the computer and run Internet Explorer again.

9) Choose View and then Internet Options (or Options for version 3.x). For IE 5 or greater, click on Tools, Internet Options.

10) Click on the Content tab and click on Disable. When asked for a password, don't enter anything; just click on OK. This will disable Content Advisor because there's no longer a password.

1 Pode haver algum outro símbolo lá; por exemplo, um triângulo.

por 28.12.2010 / 17:16