Em scripts cmd.exe, comentários são adicionados usando REM
(ou @REM
para desativar com força o eco).
rem This is a comment.
Embora não seja tecnicamente um prefixo de comentário, ::
também pode ser usado da mesma maneira (define um rótulo "goto" que permanece sem uso):
:: This is a comment.
When labels are used as comments within a bracketed code block or for command, the command processor expects every label to be followed by at least one command, so when a jump is made to the label it will have something to execute.
shell will try to execute the second line even if it is formatted as a label (and this causes an error):( echo This example will fail :: some comment )
When working within bracketed code blocks it is definitely safer to use
for all comment lines.
Fonte Uso de rótulos como comentários
Você também pode usar variáveis como comentários .
It is also possible to use variables as comments. This can be useful to conditionally prevent commands being executed:
@echo off setlocal if /i "%~1"=="update" (set _skip=) Else (set _skip=REM) %_skip% copy update.dat %_skip% echo Update applied ...
When using the above code snippet in a batch file the lines beginning with
are only executed if the batch file is called withupdate
as a parameter.