Localiza todas as máquinas virtuais com RAM com balão ou trocadas no cluster VMware?


Se eu olhasse para um cluster ou pool de recursos do vSphere e visualizasse um certo nível de expansão ou troca de memória, como identificar quais VMs são afetadas? Eu sei o que fazer com eles quando os encontrar :)

No exemplo abaixo, existem 65 máquinas virtuais no pool de recursos. Há pouco menos de 32 gigabytes de RAM em balão. Como identifico quais VMs têm uma parte de sua RAM ampliada ou trocada?

por ewwhite 31.08.2013 / 03:54

3 respostas


O Powercli é ótimo para coisas assim:

Get-VM | onde {$ _. BalloonedMemory -ne '0'}

Carrega mais exemplos aqui:


Particularmente, dê uma olhada nas "VMs com balões e trocas" link

Copiado do link acima:

$myCol = @()
foreach($vm in (Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | Where-Object '
  {$_.Summary.QuickStats.BalloonedMemory -ne "0"})){
    $Details = "" | Select-Object VM, '
    SwappedMemory ,BalloonedMemory

    $Details.VM = $vm.Name
    $Details.SwappedMemory = $vm.Summary.QuickStats.SwappedMemory
    $Details.BalloonedMemory = $vm.Summary.QuickStats.BalloonedMemory

    $myCol += $Details
por 06.09.2013 / 11:01

Espero que isso seja um pouco de ajuda.

Desculpe, foi rápido, portanto, você gostaria de fazer classificações adicionais nesta saída de informações, bem como agrupar por recursos (host, armazenamento de dados, cluster), eu corri contra todo o vCenter.

#!/bin/env python
__author__ = 'dladner'

import os
import sys
import pysphere

from pysphere import VIServer, MORTypes
from pysphere.resources import VimService_services as VI

s = VIServer()
s.connect("vcenter_hostname_or_ip", "username", "password")
vmlist = s.get_registered_vms(status="poweredOn")
count = 0
for vmpath in vmlist:
    pm1 = s.get_performance_manager()
    vm = s.get_vm_by_path(vmpath)
    mor = vm._mor
    ballooned = pm1.get_entity_statistic(mor, 77)
    swapped = pm1.get_entity_statistic(mor, 61)
    count += 1
    print "VM Number %d is %s and Ballooned Memory Amount on this VM is : %s" % (count, vmpath, ballooned)
    print "VM Number %d is %s and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : %s" % (count, vmpath, swapped)

print "NOTICE: This statistic refers to VMkernel swapping and not to guest OS swapping."

Isso lhe dará o resultado abaixo, onde você já pode modificá-lo e classificá-lo da maneira que deseja, a partir de uma maior quantidade de balão / troca para menor (+ gostaria de converter KB para MB)

Eu fiz a saída modificada (nomes de host substituídos e agrupados por balões / trocados)


VM Number 2 is [vm11_rr] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-303427:swapped(61):Swapped::107336:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:35:33.561569>]
VM Number 9 is [vm04] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-17451:swapped(61):Swapped::7896:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:36:25.791696>]
VM Number 10 is [vm05_nq] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-266882:swapped(61):Swapped::816:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:36:33.266692>]
VM Number 11 is [vm06] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-4550:swapped(61):Swapped::-1:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:36:40.313133>]
VM Number 14 is [vm05] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-158642:swapped(61):Swapped::12532:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:37:02.907590>]
VM Number 23 is [vm07] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-437276:swapped(61):Swapped::135272:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:38:10.633787>]
VM Number 24 is [vm14_rr] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-74703:swapped(61):Swapped::183436:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:38:17.985025>]
VM Number 25 is [vm01] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-156212:swapped(61):Swapped::13268:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:38:25.224494>]
VM Number 33 is [vm14] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-156661:swapped(61):Swapped::828:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:39:25.827377>]
VM Number 39 is [vm23_rr] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-391487:swapped(61):Swapped::10020:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:40:10.795514>]
VM Number 48 is [vm15] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-446333:swapped(61):Swapped::-1:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:41:20.224237>]
VM Number 49 is [vm14_rr] hostname and Swapped Memory Amount on this VM is  : [<vm-395852:swapped(61):Swapped::91664:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:41:27.588455>]
vm number 51 is [vm03] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-47780:swapped(61):swapped::8:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:41:43.539276>]
vm number 54 is [vm29_rr] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-430048:swapped(61):swapped::1200:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:42:07.398927>]
vm number 56 is [vm03] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-45758:swapped(61):swapped::19560:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:42:22.790720>]
vm number 59 is [vm25_rr] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-267833:swapped(61):swapped::55836:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:42:46.202327>]
vm number 60 is [vm01] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-279859:swapped(61):swapped::4289160:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:42:53.200330>]
vm number 61 is [vm04] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-174860:swapped(61):swapped::26288:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:43:01.326958>]
vm number 62 is [vm25_rr] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-384185:swapped(61):swapped::8180:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:43:09.043827>]
vm number 63 is [vm12_rr] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-434605:swapped(61):swapped::25780:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:43:16.270494>]
vm number 64 is [vm01] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-372871:swapped(61):swapped::21840:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:43:23.820811>]
vm number 67 is [vm09_nq] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-184134:swapped(61):swapped::716:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:43:46.909753>]
vm number 69 is [vm31_rr] hostname and swapped memory amount on this vm is  : [<vm-434653:swapped(61):swapped::148:kilobytes:2013-08-31 04:44:02.652494>]

VM Number 23 is [vm07] hostname and Ballooned Memory Amount on this VM is : [<vm-437276:vmmemctl(77):Balloon::2638188:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:38:08.631993>]
VM Number 24 is [vm14_rr] hostname and Ballooned Memory Amount on this VM is : [<vm-74703:vmmemctl(77):Balloon::1335560:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:38:16.188130>]
VM Number 49 is [vm14_rr] hostname and Ballooned Memory Amount on this VM is : [<vm-395852:vmmemctl(77):Balloon::1249812:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:41:25.789048>]
VM Number 56 is [vm03] hostname and Ballooned Memory Amount on this VM is : [<vm-45758:vmmemctl(77):Balloon::-1:kiloBytes:2013-08-31 04:42:20.445191>]

Se você precisar de ajuda adicional, posso tentar torná-lo mais saudável amanhã, já que hoje é bem tarde.




Espero que isso ajude.


P.S. Não tenho certeza do que significa -1: kiloBytes da API.

por 31.08.2013 / 07:16

Esta é uma adição muito recente a um thread antigo, mas você pode tornar isso mais rápido, mantendo-o em um pipeline e evitando um para cada loop. Experimente:

    get-vm | where{ $_.swappedmemory -ne '0'} | get-view | Select Name,@{Name="Swapped”;Expression={$_.summary.quickstats.swappedmemory}},@{Name="Ballooned";Expression={$_.summary.quickstats.balloonedmemory}}
por 08.12.2015 / 07:23