Montar o sistema de arquivos com sync
especificado no fstab provavelmente ajudaria. Suspeito que alguém tenha uma recomendação mais adequada para sua aplicação específica.
Eu comecei a pesquisa inicial sobre sistemas de arquivos usados com armazenamento flash, como eu quero construir um PC de home theater como um aparelho. Você pode encontrar uma solução de armazenamento diferente, mais adequada ao seu dispositivo. Infelizmente, ainda não encontrei algo que eu prefiro, por isso não tenho uma recomendação detalhada.
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De acordo com a man page do smb.conf (5), ele suporta sincronização imediata dentro do SAMBA:
strict sync (S)
Many Windows applications (including the Windows 98
explorer shell) seem to confuse flushing buffer
contents to disk with doing a sync to disk. Under
UNIX, a sync call forces the process to be sus-
pended until the kernel has ensured that all out-
standing data in kernel disk buffers has been
safely stored onto stable storage. This is very
slow and should only be done rarely. Setting this
parameter to no (the default) means that smbd(8)
ignores the Windows applications requests for a
sync call. There is only a possibility of losing
data if the operating system itself that Samba is
running on crashes, so there is little danger in
this default setting. In addition, this fixes many
performance problems that people have reported with
the new Windows98 explorer shell file copies.
Default: strict sync = no
sync always (S)
This is a boolean parameter that controls whether
writes will always be written to stable storage
before the write call returns. If this is no then
the server will be guided by the client's request
in each write call (clients can set a bit indicat-
ing that a particular write should be synchronous).
If this is yes then every write will be followed by
a fsync() call to ensure the data is written to
disk. Note that the strict sync parameter must be
set to yes in order for this parameter to have any
Default: sync always = no