A causa do problema foi numpy .
Python C extension modules, like numpy, are known to cause timeouts when used under mod_wsgi.
Source : Answer by Sean F on Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process
Uma pergunta semelhante que eu não encontrei na pesquisa inicial foi respondida e explicada pelo autor de mod_wsgi
says -
Some third party packages for Python which use C extension modules, and this includes scipy and numpy, will only work in the Python main interpreter and cannot be used in sub interpreters as mod_wsgi by default uses. The result can be thread deadlock, incorrect behaviour or processes crashes.
Source : Answer by Graham Dumpleton on Non-responsive apache + mod_wsgi after installing scipy
Adicione a linha abaixo ao seu httpd.conf
. No meu caso, o arquivo era /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}