teste uma porta ssl segura do pop3 995


Eu estou tentando fazer o login no microsoft exchange online usando o openssl

openssl s_client -connect pop.mail.apac.microsoftonline.com:995

no entanto, quando eu passar o comando USER, ele falha

+OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready.
user [email protected]
-ERR Connection is closed. 12

alguma ideia de como testar isso?

mais pesquisas

eu tentei

nc -v pop.mail.microsoftonline.com 995
Connection to pop.mail.microsoftonline.com 995 port [tcp/pop3s] succeeded!

user [email protected]

mas sem resultados ...


openssl s_client -crlf -connect pop.mail.apac.microsoftonline.com:995
por krisdigitx 20.09.2011 / 11:39

1 resposta


Você precisa realmente seguir o protocolo POP3 :

Commands ... consist of a case-insensitive keyword, possibly followed by one or more arguments. All commands are terminated by a CRLF pair. Keywords and arguments consist of printable ASCII characters. Keywords and arguments are each separated by a single SPACE character. Keywords are three or four characters long. Each argument may be up to 40 characters long.

Tente passar -crlf para s_client .

por 20.09.2011 / 12:20