cvs flags question


O que significa -PAd quando uso em conjunto com o cvs update?

por Andrei Chikatilo 18.08.2009 / 16:01

2 respostas


Para descobrir o que qualquer comando usa as páginas de manual do Unix / Linux / OS X:

man cvs

Seja como for, direto dessas páginas sob o título "opções de atualização":


         Prune empty directories.  See see node 'Removing directories' in the CVS


         Reset any sticky tags, dates, or -k options.  See see node 'Sticky tags'
         in the CVS manual, for more information on sticky tags/dates.


         Create  any  directories that exist in the repository if they're missing
         from the working directory.  Normally, update acts only  on  directories
         and files that were already enrolled in your working directory.

         This is useful for updating directories that were created in the reposi-
         tory since the initial checkout; but it has an unfortunate side  effect.
         If  you  deliberately avoided certain directories in the repository when
         you created your working directory (either through use of a module  name
         or  by  listing  explicitly  the files and directories you wanted on the
         command line), then updating with  -d  will  create  those  directories,
         which may not be what you want
por 18.08.2009 / 16:27

Basicamente, restaura a ramificação de checkout para a revisão mais recente.

-P remove diretórios vazios -A redefine etiquetas adesivas -d cria diretórios que existem no repositório, mas estão ausentes localmente.

Veja: link

por 18.08.2009 / 16:19
