Suponho que o arquivo em lote estava executando uma exportação do namespace DFS:
dfsutil/root:<namespace> /export:<exportfilename>)
Sendo esse o caso, a Microsoft tem um artigo da base de conhecimento sobre como restaurar o namespace de tal backup ( opção 2 no artigo KB KB969382 ).
To recover a namespace via an export file, perform the following:
a. If the root doesn't already exist, create it using DFS Management. Add all appropriate root targets. Dfsutil.exe will fail to import the configuration if the root itself doesn't already exist and will not add root targets as defined in the file. However, you may review the contents of the export file to identify which root targets should be manually added.
b. Import the configuration file to create all of the hosted links via the commands:
Windows Server 2003:
dfsutil /root:\\DATA /import: DATA-dfs-Root.txtWindows Server 2008:
dfsutil root import set DATA-dfs-Root.txt \\DATA(Where the domain is, "DATA" is the root's name, and "DATA-dfs-Root.txt" is the export file)
Attempting the import before the root has been created will result in the error "Element not found."
Attempting to add a root target that already has registry configuration data associated with the root results in the errors "The device is not ready for use" or "Cannot create a file when that file already exists." To remove the registry data from the affected server, utilize the "clean" option within DFSUtil:
Windows Server 2003:
dfsutil /clean /server:servername /share:sharenameWindows Server 2008:
dfsutil diag clean servername sharenamec. Verify the import was successful. You may have to reopen any DFS management tools to observe the imported links.