Failover automático do serviço do Windows


Estou implementando um serviço do Windows. O serviço será instalado em um cluster de servidores de aplicativos.

Existe uma maneira na funcionalidade de cluster do Windows para configurar o failover ativo / passivo para um serviço normal do Windows?

Ou é necessário que o serviço seja especificamente escrito com chamadas à API do cluster para que o failover funcione?

por Bjorn Reppen 05.01.2011 / 23:32

1 resposta


Você pode configurar um serviço genérico no Gerenciador de Cluster de Failover. Estes são os requisitos:

  • The service or application should be stateful. In other words, the service or application should have long-running in-memory state or large, frequently updated data states. One example is a database application. For a stateless application (such as a Web server front end), Network Load Balancing will probably be more appropriate than failover clustering.

  • The service or application should use a client component that automatically retries after temporary network interruptions. Otherwise, if the server component of the application fails over from one clustered server to another, the unavoidable (but brief) interruption will cause the clients to stop, rather than simply retrying and reconnecting.

  • The service or application should be able to identify the disk or disks it uses. This makes it possible for the service or application to communicate with disks in the cluster storage, and to reliably find the correct disk even after a failover.

  • The service or application should use IP-based protocols. Examples include TCP, UDP, DCOM, named pipes, and RPC over TCP/IP.

Confira este artigo da technet: link

por 05.01.2011 / 23:35