Configuração de ligação 802.3ad no Debian Jessie com um switch HP 1920G


Eu tenho um servidor Debian Jessie com duas placas de rede 1Gbps Intel i350 que gostaria de conectar usando o protocolo 802.3ad ao meu switch gerenciado HP 1920G 48port.

Aqui está o kernel que estou executando

~ % uname -a
Linux ltsp 4.9.0-0.bpo.3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.30-2+deb9u5~bpo8+1 (2017-09-28) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Eu configurei as portas LACP do switch 3 & 4 para o 802.3ad, mas quando tento conectar minha rede conectada, ele reclama que 'A configuração das portas é imprópria para ser conectada'.


#/etc/modules:kernelmodulestoloadatboottime.##Thisfilecontainsthenamesofkernelmodulesthatshouldbeloaded#atboottime,oneperline.Linesbeginningwith"#" are ignored.


Eu instalei o ifenslave

sudo apt install ifenslave-2.6

Aqui está o arquivo / etc / network / interfaces

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# bond0 is the bonding NIC and can be used like any other normal NIC.
# bond0 is configured using static network information.
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
    dns-search lan
    # Use IEEE 802.3ad LACP bonding protocol
    bond-mode 4
    bond-miimon 100
    bond-slaves none

#eth2 is manually configured, and slave to the “bond0” bonded NIC
allow_hotplug eth2
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet manual
      bond-master bond0
      bond-primary eth2

#eth3 ditto, thus creating a 2-link bond.
allow_hotplug eth3
auto eth3
iface eth3 inet manual
      bond-master bond0

O que dá a saída

~ % cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)

Bonding Mode: IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation
Transmit Hash Policy: layer2 (0)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0

802.3ad info
LACP rate: slow
Min links: 0
Aggregator selection policy (ad_select): stable

Slave Interface: eth2
MII Status: up
Speed: 1000 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:25:90:e6:e9:67
Slave queue ID: 0
Aggregator ID: 1
Actor Churn State: none
Partner Churn State: churned
Actor Churned Count: 0
Partner Churned Count: 1

Slave Interface: eth3
MII Status: up
Speed: 1000 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:25:90:e6:e9:66
Slave queue ID: 0
Aggregator ID: 2
Actor Churn State: churned
Partner Churn State: churned
Actor Churned Count: 1
Partner Churned Count: 1

Isso não funciona. Eu não posso pingar esta máquina em O que estou perdendo aqui?

Atualização 23/08/2018

Tentei definir os atributos de ligação no arquivo de módulos.

Edite / etc / modules

bonding mode=4 miimon=100 lacp_rate=1

Atualização 28/08/2018: mais informações da chave da HP

exibir configuração atual na linha de comando da HP me dá essa saída;

<HP 1920G Switch>display current-configuration
 version 5.20.99, Release 1106
 sysname HP 1920G Switch
 undo voice vlan mac-address 0003-6b00-0000
 undo voice vlan mac-address 00e0-7500-0000
 voice vlan mac-address 0004-1300-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description SNOM phone
 voice vlan mac-address 0004-f200-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description PolycomVVX phone
 undo voice vlan security enable
 domain default enable system
 telnet server enable
 lldp compliance cdp
 password-recovery enable
vlan 1
 description Data
vlan 300
 description Voice_Polycom
domain system
 access-limit disable
 state active
 idle-cut disable
 self-service-url disable
user-group system
 group-attribute allow-guest
local-user admin
 password cipher <snip>
 authorization-attribute level 3
 service-type ssh telnet terminal
 service-type web
 stp mode rstp
 stp enable
interface Bridge-Aggregation1
 link-aggregation mode dynamic
interface NULL0
interface Vlan-interface1
 ip address dhcp-alloc
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
 description firewall
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan 1 300
 port auto-power-down
 poe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
 description LTSP
 port auto-power-down
 poe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
 description Workstation_Phone_Prn_Scan
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan 1
 port auto-power-down
 poe enable
 stp edged-port enable
 lldp compliance admin-status cdp txrx
 port link-aggregation group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
 description Workstation_Phone_Prn_Scan
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan 1
 port auto-power-down
 poe enable
 stp edged-port enable
 lldp compliance admin-status cdp txrx
 port link-aggregation group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5
 description Workstation_Phone_Prn_Scan
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan 1
 voice vlan 300 enable
 port auto-power-down
 poe enable
 stp edged-port enable
 lldp compliance admin-status cdp txrx

GigabitEthernet1 / 0/3 & GigabitEthernet1 / 0/4 são as portas que eu estou tentando ligar. Você pode ver que eles fazem parte do grupo de agregação de links.

Update: Olhando para o arquivo de log

Para verificar o arquivo de log eu tive que fazer isso através do dispositivo back-end da web - > syslog 'e depois de reiniciar a rede na minha máquina de teste de ligação eu tenho essas quatro linhas;

Aug 28 10:59:06:287 2018    IFNET   Error   LINK_UPDOWN GigabitEthernet1/0/4 link status is UP.
Aug 28 10:58:56:005 2018    IFNET   Error   LINK_UPDOWN GigabitEthernet1/0/3 link status is UP.
Aug 28 10:58:43:066 2018    IFNET   Error   LINK_UPDOWN GigabitEthernet1/0/3 link status is DOWN.
Aug 28 10:58:33:338 2018    IFNET   Error   LINK_UPDOWN GigabitEthernet1/0/4 link status is DOWN.
por map7 20.08.2018 / 09:16

1 resposta


Suas interfaces individuais e a interface Bridge-Aggregation1 têm configurações diferentes umas das outras o suficiente para impedir que elas se tornem parte da agregação de links. Sua configuração deve se parecer com o seguinte:

interface Bridge-Aggregation1
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan 1
 link-aggregation mode dynamic
por 30.08.2018 / 03:48