KB2667402 atualização falha ao instalar com 0 x 80004005. No entanto, também está mostrando como instalado


Tenho 15 servidores x64 do Windows 2008 R2 que gerencio com o SCCM2012. Durante minhas atualizações do Windows, notei que há duas caixas que estão sendo exibidas como 'erro' para o total de atualizações instaladas. Procurando, parece que a atualização que está falhando na instalação é KB2667402.

O Centro de Software no próprio servidor mostra o seguinte:

The software change returned error code 0x80004005(-2147467259).

Então o SCCM acha que não instalou a atualização. No entanto, se eu for ao aplicativo Programas e Recursos e selecionar 'Atualizações do Windows', posso ver uma entrada para KB2667402:

Se eu tentar desinstalar isso, recebo um erro:

An error occurred. Not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled

Se eu tentar baixar o patch diretamente da Microsoft, recebo o mesmo erro de instalação exibido no Centro de Software.

A única coisa estranha sobre essa configuração que eu acho que poderia afetar isso é que eu corro o serviço RDP em uma porta não padrão. No entanto, eu faço isso em todos os servidores, por isso parece estranho que ele falharia em apenas 2 de 15.

A parte final do arquivo WindowsUpdate.log está abaixo:

2012-06-26  15:33:53:184    3924    1608    COMAPI  -------------
2012-06-26  15:33:53:190    3924    1608    COMAPI  -- START --  COMAPI: Install [ClientId = CcmExec]
2012-06-26  15:33:53:190    3924    1608    COMAPI  ---------
2012-06-26  15:33:53:190    3924    1608    COMAPI    - Allow source prompts: No; Forced: No; Force quiet: Yes
2012-06-26  15:33:53:190    3924    1608    COMAPI    - Updates in request: 1
2012-06-26  15:33:53:190    3924    1608    COMAPI    - ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
2012-06-26  15:33:53:199     860    1198    Agent   *************
2012-06-26  15:33:53:199     860    1198    Agent   ** START **  Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = CcmExec]
2012-06-26  15:33:53:199     860    1198    Agent   *********
2012-06-26  15:33:53:199     860    1198    Agent     * Updates to install = 1
2012-06-26  15:33:53:201     860    1198    Agent     *   Title = Security Update for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB2667402)
2012-06-26  15:33:53:201     860    1198    Agent     *   UpdateId = {48859BE4-1331-4CD2-8E70-3B537180A0D0}.103
2012-06-26  15:33:53:201     860    1198    Agent     *     Bundles 1 updates:
2012-06-26  15:33:53:201     860    1198    Agent     *       {D854ECF1-99A7-4D67-B435-2D041BF79565}.103
2012-06-26  15:33:53:204    3924    1608    COMAPI    - Updates to install = 1
2012-06-26  15:33:53:204    3924    1608    COMAPI  <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId = CcmExec]
2012-06-26  15:33:53:221     860    1198    Agent   WARNING: failed to calculate prior restore point time with error 0x80070002; setting restore point
2012-06-26  15:33:53:222     860    1198    Agent   WARNING: LoadLibrary failed for srclient.dll with hr:8007007e
2012-06-26  15:33:53:322     860    1198    DnldMgr Preparing update for install, updateId = {D854ECF1-99A7-4D67-B435-2D041BF79565}.103.
2012-06-26  15:33:53:325    5700    117c    Misc    ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.5.7601.17514, tz: +0100)  ===========
2012-06-26  15:33:53:325    5700    117c    Misc      = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
2012-06-26  15:33:53:325    5700    117c    Misc      = Module: C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2012-06-26  15:33:53:324    5700    117c    Handler :::::::::::::
2012-06-26  15:33:53:325    5700    117c    Handler :: START ::  Handler: CBS Install
2012-06-26  15:33:53:325    5700    117c    Handler :::::::::
2012-06-26  15:33:53:330    5700    117c    Handler Starting install of CBS update D854ECF1-99A7-4D67-B435-2D041BF79565
2012-06-26  15:33:53:342    5700    117c    Handler CBS package identity: Package_for_KB2667402~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
2012-06-26  15:33:53:366    5700    117c    Handler Installing self-contained with source=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download059e0415033d6f699a50ef69dd5ff2\windows6.1-kb2667402-v2-x64.cab, workingdir=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download059e0415033d6f699a50ef69dd5ff2\inst
2012-06-26  15:33:56:270    5700    3b8 Handler FATAL: CBS called Error with 0x80004005, 
2012-06-26  15:33:56:402    5700    117c    Handler FATAL: Completed install of CBS update with type=0, requiresReboot=0, installerError=1, hr=0x80004005
2012-06-26  15:33:56:405    5700    117c    Handler :::::::::
2012-06-26  15:33:56:406    5700    117c    Handler ::  END  ::  Handler: CBS Install
2012-06-26  15:33:56:406    5700    117c    Handler :::::::::::::
2012-06-26  15:33:56:433     860    1198    Agent   *********
2012-06-26  15:33:56:433     860    1198    Agent   **  END  **  Agent: Installing updates     [CallerId = CcmExec]
2012-06-26  15:33:56:433     860    1198    Agent   *************
2012-06-26  15:33:56:433     860    d14 AU  Can not perform non-interactive scan    if AU is interactive-only
2012-06-26  15:33:56:450    3924    e40 COMAPI  >>--  RESUMED  -- COMAPI: Install   [ClientId = CcmExec]
2012-06-26  15:33:56:450    3924    e40 COMAPI    - Install call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, unaccounted = 0)
2012-06-26  15:33:56:450    3924    e40 COMAPI    - Reboot required = No
2012-06-26  15:33:56:450    3924    e40 COMAPI    - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000;     Call error code = 0x80240022
2012-06-26  15:33:56:451    3924    e40 COMAPI  ---------
2012-06-26  15:33:56:451    3924    e40 COMAPI  --  END  --  COMAPI: Install [ClientId = CcmExec]
2012-06-26  15:33:56:451    3924    e40 COMAPI  -------------
2012-06-26  15:33:56:536     860    13a4    AU  Triggering Offline detection (non-interactive)
2012-06-26  15:33:56:536     860    d14 AU  #############
2012-06-26  15:33:56:536     860    d14 AU  ## START ##  AU: Search for updates
2012-06-26  15:33:56:536     860    d14 AU  #########
2012-06-26  15:33:56:539     860    d14 AU  <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {2DBB046C-2265-421B-A37B-93BDECC6C261}]
2012-06-26  15:33:56:539     860    1788    Agent   *************
2012-06-26  15:33:56:539     860    1788    Agent   ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2012-06-26  15:33:56:539     860    1788    Agent   *********
2012-06-26  15:33:56:539     860    1788    Agent     * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2012-06-26  15:33:56:539     860    1788    Agent     * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2012-06-26  15:33:56:539     860    1788    Agent     * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
2012-06-26  15:33:56:539     860    1788    Agent     * Search Scope = {Machine}
2012-06-26  15:33:58:562     860    1788    Agent     * Found 0 updates and 70 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 180 out of 1072 deployed entities
2012-06-26  15:33:58:565     860    1788    Agent   *********
2012-06-26  15:33:58:565     860    1788    Agent   **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2012-06-26  15:33:58:565     860    1788    Agent   *************
2012-06-26  15:33:58:650     860    f2c AU  >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {2DBB046C-2265-421B-A37B-93BDECC6C261}]
2012-06-26  15:33:58:650     860    f2c AU    # 0 updates detected
2012-06-26  15:33:58:650     860    f2c AU  #########
2012-06-26  15:33:58:650     860    f2c AU  ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates [CallId = {2DBB046C-2265-421B-A37B-93BDECC6C261}]
2012-06-26  15:33:58:650     860    f2c AU  #############
2012-06-26  15:33:58:650     860    f2c AU  Featured notifications is disabled.
2012-06-26  15:33:58:651     860    f2c AU  Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2012-06-26  15:33:58:652     860    f2c AU  Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
por growse 26.06.2012 / 16:42

1 resposta


Este tópico parece ter uma solução que funcionou para as pessoas.

KB2667402 falha com um erro 8024200D no Windows 2008R2 x64

Had same problem. The update already exists in the list of installed updates. Removed the update and installed it again

por 29.06.2012 / 01:35