Instalando o SQL Server 2005 - Requisito do contador do monitor de desempenho (erro)


ao instalar o SQL Server 2005, recebo este erro. Alguém pode me dizer como resolver isso?


  • Performance Monitor Counter Requirement (Error)


Performance Monitor Counter Requirement The System Configuration Check for Performance Monitor counter registry value has failed. For details, see How to: Increment the Counter Registry Key for Setup in SQL Server 2005, in the readme file or in SQL Server Books Online.

por optician 11.05.2009 / 13:58

2 respostas


Esta solução resolve (de aqui ) seu problema:

Follow these steps to manually set the increment for the counter registry key & to overcome this error & proceed further with the SQL Server installation.

  1. On the Microsoft Windows 2003 or Windows XP desktop, click Start, click Run, type regedit.exe in Open, and then click OK. On Windows 2000, use regedt32.exe The Registry Editor appliction launches.

  2. Navigate to the following registry key: Quote: [HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib] "Last Counter"=dword:00000ed4 (5276) "LastHelp"=dword:00000ed5 (5277)

  3. The "Last Counter" value from the previous step (5276) must match the maximum value of the "Counter" key from "Perflib%bl0ck_qu0te%9" in the following registry key, and the "Last Help" value from the previous step (5277) must match the maximum value of the "Help" key from "Perflib%bl0ck_qu0te%9" in the following registry key: Quote: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib%bl0ck_qu0te%9] Note : The "Last Counter" and "Last Help" values are dynamically assigned by Windows; they will vary from machine to machine...

  4. If necessary, modify the value for the "Last Counter" and "Last Help" values in the "\Perflib" key: Right-click "Last Counter" or "Last Help" in the right-hand pane, click Modify, click Base = "Decimal" set the value in Value data, and then click OK. Repeat for the other key, if necessary, and then close the Registry Editor.

  5. Restart the machine for the changes to come into effect.

  6. Run SQL Server Setup again.

Esse erro parece estar relacionado ao Setup Configuration Checker (SCC) na Instalação do Microsoft SQL Server, que verifica o valor da chave de registro do contador antes do início da instalação do SQL Server.

por 11.05.2009 / 16:24

Você verificou uma pesquisa no Google sobre esse erro? (O valor do Registro do contador de verificação de configuração do sistema para o monitor de desempenho falhou).

Artigo One

Artigo Dois

Observo que os artigos especificam ter que usar o Regedt32 para permitir que as correções funcionem.

por 11.05.2009 / 14:32