Erro no NTBackup: C: não é uma unidade válida


Estou tentando usar o NtBackup para fazer backup do C: Drive em uma máquina do Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 e obter o seguinte erro no arquivo de log:

Backup Status Operation: Backup Active backup destination: 4mm DDS Media name: "Media created 04/02/2011 at 21:56"

Error: The device reported an error on a request to read data from media. Error reported: Invalid command. There may be a hardware or media problem. Please check the system event log for relevant failures.

Error: C: is not a valid drive, or you do not have access.

The operation did not successfully complete.

Estou usando um novo disco SATA Quantum Dat-72 com uma fita nova (tentei algumas fitas).

Eu faço o seguinte:

  1. Abra o NTBackup
  2. Selecione a guia Backup
  3. Marque a caixa ao lado de C:
  4. Garantir que o destino seja 4 mm DDS
  5. A mídia está definida como Novo
  6. Pressione Iniciar backup
  7. Escolha Substituir os dados na mídia e pressione Iniciar backup
  8. O NTBackup tenta montar a mídia
  9. A mensagem de erro mostra:

The device reported an error on a request to read data from media. Error reported: INvalid command. There may be a hardware or media problem. Please check the system event log for relevant failures.

Ao verificar o log, encontro o seguinte:

Event Type: Information

Event Source: NTBackup

Event Category: None

Event ID: 8018

Date: 04/02/2011

Time: 22:02:02

User: N/A

Computer: SERVER


Begin Operation

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

e depois;

Event Type: Information

Event Source: NTBackup

Event Category: None

Event ID: 8019

Date: 04/02/2011

Time: 22:02:59

User: N/A

Computer: SERVER


End Operation:

The operation was successfully completed.

Consult the backup report for more details.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

por Chris 04.02.2011 / 23:07

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