A resposta está na próxima linha da saída do log:
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Failed to make us a subreaper: Invalid argument
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Perhaps the kernel version is too old (< 3.4?)
Seu kernel é muito antigo.
Desde a atualização para o Debian 8 (Jessie), que trouxe o systemd, estou recebendo o título deste post em meus erros de syslog.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[1]: Starting user-0.slice.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[1]: Created slice user-0.slice.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[1]: Starting User Manager for UID 0...
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[1]: Starting Session 23 of user root.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[1]: Started Session 23 of user root.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Failed to make us a subreaper: Invalid argument
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Perhaps the kernel version is too old (< 3.4?)
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Starting Paths.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Reached target Paths.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Starting Timers.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Reached target Timers.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Starting Sockets.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Reached target Sockets.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Starting Basic System.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Reached target Basic System.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Starting Default.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Reached target Default.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[12228]: Startup finished in 19ms.
10:33:51 pap1 systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 0.
O cliente se conecta normalmente, sem erros.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 0...
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopping Default.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopped target Default.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopping Basic System.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopped target Basic System.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopping Paths.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopped target Paths.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopping Timers.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopped target Timers.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopping Sockets.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Stopped target Sockets.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Starting Shutdown.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Reached target Shutdown.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Starting Exit the Session...
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[12228]: Received SIGRTMIN+24 from PID 12248 (kill).
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 0.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[1]: Stopping user-0.slice.
10:33:55 pap1 systemd[1]: Removed slice user-0.slice.
O kernel que estou executando é o repositório Debian atual, 3.16.0-4-686-pae (ou seja, > 3.4).
Alguma ideia do que é este problema, se é sério e o que posso fazer para o impedir?
Tags ssh systemd debian syslog debian-jessie