De Perguntas frequentes sobre distribuição de software
What happens when the connection with the distribution point is unexpectedly broken? Can the client resume the download in the middle of a file?
Yes, interrupted client downloads from BITS-enabled distribution points resume at the point at which they stopped transferring, even if the client connects to a different distribution point.
Does the client use BITS or SMB by default?
It depends. If the advertisement has been set to run the program from the network, the client always uses server message block (SMB). If the advertisement has been configured to download and run locally and if the distribution point has been configured to use BITS, the client tries to use BITS but might fail over to SMB if the content cannot be accessed over BITS.
How can I tell if my Advanced Client is using BITS or SMB?
Look at the DataTransferService.log on the client. BITS downloads have a URL that starts with http://<distributionpoint>, and SMB downloads have a URL that starts with \<distributionpoint>. For details about the BITS download, you can run
bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose | more
from the command line. If the client used SMB, you can also get details in the FileBits.log on the client.