Como descobrir qual AppPool está associado a qual processo w3wp?


Eu costumava fazer isso:

How to attach to the correct process in IIS6

IIS6 uses seperate process for each AppPool, usefully these all have the same name - w3wp.exe.

To determine which AppPool? the application is using right click>properties on the directory in InetMgr? and look at the AppPool list at the bottom.

To determine which process matches which AppPool type the following at the command prompt:


You may get a message box asking if you want to change your default VBScript provider to CScript. If for some reason you don't, type:

cscript iisapps.vbs

This will list the process ids for each app pool, then all you have to do is match the process id in visual studio's attach to process screen.


W3WP.exe PID: 5124 AppPoolId: SharePoint - 80 W3WP.exe PID: 4236
AppPoolId: DefaultAppPool W3WP.exe PID: 728 AppPoolId: SharePoint Central Administration v3 W3WP.exe PID: 4128 AppPoolId: ReportServer

Mas isso não parece funcionar no Server 2008. Existe um método melhor?

por Rob Stevenson-Leggett 01.06.2009 / 12:20

1 resposta


cd %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv

appcmd list wp

por 01.06.2009 / 12:26