É possível adicionar o Active Directory a um contêiner do Windows?


Na minha empresa, estamos atualmente desenvolvendo um produto que, por fim, oferecerá suporte à autenticação via OpenLDAP e Active Directory. Configuramos um Windows Server 2016 e gostaríamos de criar um ambiente isolado por meio de contêineres do Windows para testar nosso aplicativo.

Infelizmente, estou atingindo uma parede quando se trata de instalar / ativar o recurso do AD no contêiner. O erro que estou recebendo é:

Add-WindowsFeature : The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.
The operation cannot be completed, because the server that you specified requires a restart.
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : DeviceError: (@{Vhd=; Credent...Name=localhost}:PSObject) [Install-WindowsFeature], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DISMAPI_Error__Failed_Reboot_Required,Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.AddWindowsFeatureCommand

Estou faltando alguma coisa ou isso simplesmente não está funcionando?

Este é o meu Dockerfile

FROM microsoft/windowsservercore

RUN powershell Get-WindowsFeature
RUN powershell -Command Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services 

Log de criação completo:

PS C:\windows-ad> docker build --no-cache -t win-test .
Sending build context to Docker daemon   2.56kB
Step 1/3 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
 ---> be84290c2315
Step 2/3 : RUN powershell Get-WindowsFeature
 ---> Running in 5e5f83bb2c86

Display Name                                            Name
------------                                            ----
[ ] Active Directory Certificate Services               AD-Certificate
    [ ] Certification Authority                         ADCS-Cert-Authority
    [ ] Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service       ADCS-Enroll-Web-Pol
    [ ] Certificate Enrollment Web Service              ADCS-Enroll-Web-Svc
    [ ] Certification Authority Web Enrollment          ADCS-Web-Enrollment
    [ ] Network Device Enrollment Service               ADCS-Device-Enrollment
    [ ] Online Responder                                ADCS-Online-Cert
[ ] Active Directory Domain Services                    AD-Domain-Services
[ ] Active Directory Federation Services                ADFS-Federation
[ ] Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services     ADLDS
[ ] Active Directory Rights Management Services         ADRMS
    [ ] Active Directory Rights Management Server       ADRMS-Server
    [ ] Identity Federation Support                     ADRMS-Identity
[ ] Device Health Attestation                           DeviceHealthAttestat...
[ ] DHCP Server                                         DHCP
[ ] DNS Server                                          DNS
[X] File and Storage Services                           FileAndStorage-Services
    [ ] File and iSCSI Services                         File-Services
        [ ] File Server                                 FS-FileServer
        [ ] BranchCache for Network Files               FS-BranchCache
        [ ] Data Deduplication                          FS-Data-Deduplication
        [ ] DFS Namespaces                              FS-DFS-Namespace
        [ ] DFS Replication                             FS-DFS-Replication
        [ ] File Server Resource Manager                FS-Resource-Manager
        [ ] File Server VSS Agent Service               FS-VSS-Agent
        [ ] iSCSI Target Server                         FS-iSCSITarget-Server
        [ ] iSCSI Target Storage Provider (VDS and V... iSCSITarget-VSS-VDS
        [ ] Server for NFS                              FS-NFS-Service
        [ ] Work Folders                                FS-SyncShareService
    [X] Storage Services                                Storage-Services
[ ] Host Guardian Service                               HostGuardianServiceRole
[ ] Hyper-V                                             Hyper-V
[ ] Network Controller                                  NetworkController
[ ] Print and Document Services                         Print-Services
    [ ] Print Server                                    Print-Server
    [ ] LPD Service                                     Print-LPD-Service
[ ] Remote Access                                       RemoteAccess
    [ ] DirectAccess and VPN (RAS)                      DirectAccess-VPN
    [ ] Routing                                         Routing
    [ ] Web Application Proxy                           Web-Application-Proxy
[ ] Remote Desktop Services                             Remote-Desktop-Services
    [ ] Remote Desktop Connection Broker                RDS-Connection-Broker
    [ ] Remote Desktop Licensing                        RDS-Licensing
    [ ] Remote Desktop Virtualization Host              RDS-Virtualization
[ ] Volume Activation Services                          VolumeActivation
[ ] Web Server (IIS)                                    Web-Server
    [ ] Web Server                                      Web-WebServer
        [ ] Common HTTP Features                        Web-Common-Http
            [ ] Default Document                        Web-Default-Doc
            [ ] Directory Browsing                      Web-Dir-Browsing
            [ ] HTTP Errors                             Web-Http-Errors
            [ ] Static Content                          Web-Static-Content
            [ ] HTTP Redirection                        Web-Http-Redirect
            [ ] WebDAV Publishing                       Web-DAV-Publishing
        [ ] Health and Diagnostics                      Web-Health
            [ ] HTTP Logging                            Web-Http-Logging
            [ ] Custom Logging                          Web-Custom-Logging
            [ ] Logging Tools                           Web-Log-Libraries
            [ ] ODBC Logging                            Web-ODBC-Logging
            [ ] Request Monitor                         Web-Request-Monitor
            [ ] Tracing                                 Web-Http-Tracing
        [ ] Performance                                 Web-Performance
            [ ] Static Content Compression              Web-Stat-Compression
            [ ] Dynamic Content Compression             Web-Dyn-Compression
        [ ] Security                                    Web-Security
            [ ] Request Filtering                       Web-Filtering
            [ ] Basic Authentication                    Web-Basic-Auth
            [ ] Centralized SSL Certificate Support     Web-CertProvider
            [ ] Client Certificate Mapping Authentic... Web-Client-Auth
            [ ] Digest Authentication                   Web-Digest-Auth
            [ ] IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authe... Web-Cert-Auth
            [ ] IP and Domain Restrictions              Web-IP-Security
            [ ] URL Authorization                       Web-Url-Auth
            [ ] Windows Authentication                  Web-Windows-Auth
        [ ] Application Development                     Web-App-Dev
            [ ] .NET Extensibility 3.5                  Web-Net-Ext
            [ ] .NET Extensibility 4.6                  Web-Net-Ext45
            [ ] Application Initialization              Web-AppInit
            [ ] ASP                                     Web-ASP
            [ ] ASP.NET 3.5                             Web-Asp-Net
            [ ] ASP.NET 4.6                             Web-Asp-Net45
            [ ] CGI                                     Web-CGI
            [ ] ISAPI Extensions                        Web-ISAPI-Ext
            [ ] ISAPI Filters                           Web-ISAPI-Filter
            [ ] Server Side Includes                    Web-Includes
            [ ] WebSocket Protocol                      Web-WebSockets
    [ ] FTP Server                                      Web-Ftp-Server
        [ ] FTP Service                                 Web-Ftp-Service
        [ ] FTP Extensibility                           Web-Ftp-Ext
    [ ] Management Tools                                Web-Mgmt-Tools
        [ ] IIS 6 Management Compatibility              Web-Mgmt-Compat
            [ ] IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility            Web-Metabase
            [ ] IIS 6 Scripting Tools                   Web-Lgcy-Scripting
            [ ] IIS 6 WMI Compatibility                 Web-WMI
        [ ] IIS Management Scripts and Tools            Web-Scripting-Tools
        [ ] Management Service                          Web-Mgmt-Service
[ ] Windows Server Essentials Experience                ServerEssentialsRole
[ ] Windows Server Update Services                      UpdateServices
    [ ] WID Connectivity                                UpdateServices-WidDB
    [ ] WSUS Services                                   UpdateServices-Services
    [ ] SQL Server Connectivity                         UpdateServices-DB
[ ] .NET Framework 3.5 Features                         NET-Framework-Features
    [ ] .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)  NET-Framework-Core
    [ ] HTTP Activation                                 NET-HTTP-Activation
    [ ] Non-HTTP Activation                             NET-Non-HTTP-Activ
[X] .NET Framework 4.6 Features                         NET-Framework-45-Fea...
    [X] .NET Framework 4.6                              NET-Framework-45-Core
    [ ] ASP.NET 4.6                                     NET-Framework-45-ASPNET
    [X] WCF Services                                    NET-WCF-Services45
        [ ] HTTP Activation                             NET-WCF-HTTP-Activat...
        [ ] Message Queuing (MSMQ) Activation           NET-WCF-MSMQ-Activat...
        [ ] Named Pipe Activation                       NET-WCF-Pipe-Activat...
        [ ] TCP Activation                              NET-WCF-TCP-Activati...
        [X] TCP Port Sharing                            NET-WCF-TCP-PortShar...
[ ] Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)      BITS
    [ ] Compact Server                                  BITS-Compact-Server
[ ] BitLocker Drive Encryption                          BitLocker
[ ] BranchCache                                         BranchCache
[ ] Client for NFS                                      NFS-Client
[ ] Containers                                          Containers
[ ] Data Center Bridging                                Data-Center-Bridging
[ ] Enhanced Storage                                    EnhancedStorage
[ ] Failover Clustering                                 Failover-Clustering
[ ] Group Policy Management                             GPMC
[ ] Host Guardian Hyper-V Support                       HostGuardian
[ ] I/O Quality of Service                              DiskIo-QoS
[ ] IIS Hostable Web Core                               Web-WHC
[ ] IP Address Management (IPAM) Server                 IPAM
[ ] iSNS Server service                                 ISNS
[ ] Management OData IIS Extension                      ManagementOdata
[ ] Media Foundation                                    Server-Media-Foundation
[ ] Message Queuing                                     MSMQ
    [ ] Message Queuing Services                        MSMQ-Services
        [ ] Message Queuing Server                      MSMQ-Server
        [ ] Directory Service Integration               MSMQ-Directory
        [ ] HTTP Support                                MSMQ-HTTP-Support
        [ ] Message Queuing Triggers                    MSMQ-Triggers
        [ ] Routing Service                             MSMQ-Routing
    [ ] Message Queuing DCOM Proxy                      MSMQ-DCOM
[ ] Multipath I/O                                       Multipath-IO
[ ] MultiPoint Connector                                MultiPoint-Connector
    [ ] MultiPoint Connector Services                   MultiPoint-Connector...
    [ ] MultiPoint Manager and MultiPoint Dashboard     MultiPoint-Tools
[ ] Network Load Balancing                              NLB
[ ] Peer Name Resolution Protocol                       PNRP
[ ] Quality Windows Audio Video Experience              qWave
[ ] Remote Differential Compression                     RDC
[ ] Remote Server Administration Tools                  RSAT
    [ ] Feature Administration Tools                    RSAT-Feature-Tools
        [ ] BitLocker Drive Encryption Administratio... RSAT-Feature-Tools-B...
        [ ] DataCenterBridging LLDP Tools               RSAT-DataCenterBridg...
        [ ] Failover Clustering Tools                   RSAT-Clustering
            [ ] Failover Cluster Module for Windows ... RSAT-Clustering-Powe...
            [ ] Failover Cluster Automation Server      RSAT-Clustering-Auto...
            [ ] Failover Cluster Command Interface      RSAT-Clustering-CmdI...
        [ ] IP Address Management (IPAM) Client         IPAM-Client-Feature
        [ ] Shielded VM Tools                           RSAT-Shielded-VM-Tools
        [ ] Storage Replica Module for Windows Power... RSAT-Storage-Replica
    [ ] Role Administration Tools                       RSAT-Role-Tools
        [ ] AD DS and AD LDS Tools                      RSAT-AD-Tools
            [ ] Active Directory module for Windows ... RSAT-AD-PowerShell
            [ ] AD DS Tools                             RSAT-ADDS
                [ ] Active Directory Administrative ... RSAT-AD-AdminCenter
                [ ] AD DS Snap-Ins and Command-Line ... RSAT-ADDS-Tools
            [ ] AD LDS Snap-Ins and Command-Line Tools  RSAT-ADLDS
        [ ] Hyper-V Management Tools                    RSAT-Hyper-V-Tools
            [ ] Hyper-V Module for Windows PowerShell   Hyper-V-PowerShell
        [ ] Windows Server Update Services Tools        UpdateServices-RSAT
            [ ] API and PowerShell cmdlets              UpdateServices-API
        [ ] DHCP Server Tools                           RSAT-DHCP
        [ ] DNS Server Tools                            RSAT-DNS-Server
        [ ] Network Controller Management Tools         RSAT-NetworkController
        [ ] Remote Access Management Tools              RSAT-RemoteAccess
            [ ] Remote Access module for Windows Pow... RSAT-RemoteAccess-Po...
[ ] RPC over HTTP Proxy                                 RPC-over-HTTP-Proxy
[ ] Setup and Boot Event Collection                     Setup-and-Boot-Event...
[ ] Simple TCP/IP Services                              Simple-TCPIP
[X] SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support                   FS-SMB1
[ ] SMB Bandwidth Limit                                 FS-SMBBW
[ ] SNMP Service                                        SNMP-Service
    [ ] SNMP WMI Provider                               SNMP-WMI-Provider
[ ] Software Load Balancer                              SoftwareLoadBalancer
[ ] Storage Replica                                     Storage-Replica
[ ] Telnet Client                                       Telnet-Client
[ ] VM Shielding Tools for Fabric Management            FabricShieldedTools
[X] Windows Defender Features                           Windows-Defender-Fea...
    [X] Windows Defender                                Windows-Defender
[ ] Windows Internal Database                           Windows-Internal-Dat...
[X] Windows PowerShell                                  PowerShellRoot
    [X] Windows PowerShell 5.1                          PowerShell
    [ ] Windows PowerShell 2.0 Engine                   PowerShell-V2
    [ ] Windows PowerShell Desired State Configurati... DSC-Service
    [ ] Windows PowerShell Web Access                   WindowsPowerShellWeb...
[ ] Windows Process Activation Service                  WAS
    [ ] Process Model                                   WAS-Process-Model
    [ ] .NET Environment 3.5                            WAS-NET-Environment
    [ ] Configuration APIs                              WAS-Config-APIs
[ ] Windows Server Backup                               Windows-Server-Backup
[ ] Windows Server Migration Tools                      Migration
[ ] Windows Standards-Based Storage Management          WindowsStorageManage...
[ ] WinRM IIS Extension                                 WinRM-IIS-Ext
[ ] WINS Server                                         WINS
[X] WoW64 Support                                       WoW64-Support

 ---> b891a0f5b277
Removing intermediate container 5e5f83bb2c86
Step 3/3 : RUN powershell -Command Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services
 ---> Running in 22724bfb2ee4
Add-WindowsFeature : The request to add or remove features on the specified
server failed.
The operation cannot be completed, because the server that you specified
requires a restart.
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : DeviceError: (@{Vhd=; Credent...Name=localhost}:
   PSObject) [Install-WindowsFeature], Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DISMAPI_Error__Failed_Reboot_Required,Microsoft.

Success Restart Needed Exit Code      Feature Result
------- -------------- ---------      --------------
False   No             Failed         {}

The command 'cmd /S /C powershell -Command Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services' returned a non-zero code: 1
por tftd 07.09.2017 / 01:39

1 resposta


Os Contêineres do Windows não são fornecidos com suporte ao Active Directory e, devido à sua natureza, não podem (ainda) atuar como objetos unidos de domínio completo, mas um determinado nível de funcionalidade do Active Directory pode ser suportado pelo uso de Gerenciados Globais Contas de serviço (gMSA).


por 08.09.2017 / 14:27