Execute o seguinte script do PowerShell:
# Normal users:
get-wmiobject -class "win32_account" -namespace "root\cimv2" | where-object{$_.sidtype -eq 1} | sort name | foreach {Write-Host $env:computername\$($_.Name)}
# Normal groups:
get-wmiobject -class "win32_account" -namespace "root\cimv2" | where-object{$_.sidtype -eq 4} | where-object{$_.sid.length -gt 15} | sort name | foreach {Write-Host $env:computername\$($_.Name)}
# Builtin groups:
get-wmiobject -class "win32_account" -namespace "root\cimv2" | where-object{$_.sidtype -eq 4 -and $_.SID -Match "^S-1-5-32-(\d){3}$" } | sort name | foreach {Write-Host BUILTIN\$($_.Name)}
# Special accounts:
get-wmiobject -class "win32_account" -namespace "root\cimv2" | where-object{$_.sidtype -eq 5} | sort name | foreach {Write-Host NT AUTHORITY\$($_.Name)}
# Service accounts:
get-service | foreach {Write-Host NT Service\$($_.Name)}
# only if you have IIS with scripting installed:
Get-WebConfiguration system.applicationHost/applicationPools/* | where {$_.ProcessModel.identitytype -eq 'ApplicationPoolIdentity'} | foreach {Write-Host IIS APPPOOL\$($_.Name)}
# Only if you have Hyper-V installed
get-vm | foreach {Write-Host NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\$($_.Id)}
# Odd ones:
"NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\Virtual Machines"
"NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of Administrators group"
"NT AUTHORITY\Local account"
"NT AUTHORITY\This Organization Certificate"
Isto é apenas para uma máquina local, em um domínio do AD existem mais contas, há mais informações em minha resposta acabou em superuser.com