Você tentou mod_status do apache?
The status of each worker, the number of requests that worker has performed and the total number of bytes served by the worker (*)
você pode chegar a um resultado que você procura?
Parece assim:
Srv PID Acc M CPU SS Req Conn Child Slot Client VHost Request
0-22 30807 0/328/6417 _ 111.81 2 0 0.0 2.84 37.39
0-22 30807 0/266/5823 _ 111.81 2 0 0.0 1.32 32.97 conn.local:80 GET /path/to/file HTTP/1.0
Srv Child Server number - generation
PID OS process ID
Acc Number of accesses this connection / this child / this slot
M Mode of operation
CPU CPU usage, number of seconds
SS Seconds since beginning of most recent request
Req Milliseconds required to process most recent request
Conn Kilobytes transferred this connection
Child Megabytes transferred this child
Slot Total megabytes transferred this slot