Autenticação do cliente “Credenciais inválidas” LDAP


Eu instalei a Autenticação de Cliente LDAP com o este manual , mas no meu /var/log/auth.log arquivo eu recebo este erro:

Sep  5 14:08:59 workstation01 nscd: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap://c-hack00:389: Invalid credentials
Sep  5 14:08:59 workstation01 nscd: nss_ldap: reconnecting to LDAP server (sleeping 1 seconds)...
Sep  5 14:09:00 workstation01 nscd: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap://c-hack00:389: Invalid credentials
Sep  5 14:09:00 workstation01 nscd: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Server is unavailable

Meu /etc/ldap.conf:

# Your LDAP server. Must be resolvable without using LDAP.
# Multiple hosts may be specified, each separated by a
# space. How long nss_ldap takes to failover depends on
# whether your LDAP client library supports configurable
# network or connect timeouts (see bind_timelimit).
#host c-hack00

# The distinguished name of the search base.
base dc=c-hack,dc=de

# Another way to specify your LDAP server is to provide an
uri ldap://c-hack00:389
# Unix Domain Sockets to connect to a local LDAP Server.
#uri ldap://
#uri ldaps://
#uri ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fldapi_sock/
# Note: %2f encodes the '/' used as directory separator

# The LDAP version to use (defaults to 3
# if supported by client library)
ldap_version 3

# The distinguished name to bind to the server with.
# Optional: default is to bind anonymously.
binddn cn=proxyuser,dc=c-hack,dc=de
#"proxuser" is an existing LDAP user I've created

# The credentials to bind with.
# Optional: default is no credential.
bindpw mypasswort

# The distinguished name to bind to the server with
# if the effective user ID is root. Password is
# stored in /etc/ldap.secret (mode 600)
rootbinddn cn=manager,dc=SPG

# The port.
# Optional: default is 389.
#port 389

# The search scope.
#scope sub

Eu acho que o cliente é capaz de se conectar ao servidor, mas algo com as credenciais está errado ... Como posso consertar isso?

por MrFizzzel 05.09.2014 / 16:23

2 respostas


Só para ficar claro - o bindpw corresponde à senha da conta proxyuser? Se você executar o seguinte (inserindo o bindpw quando solicitado), você recebe um erro?

ldapsearch -x -W-D "cn = proxyuser, dc = c-hack, dc = de" -b "dc = c-corte, dc = de" objectclass = *

por 06.09.2014 / 01:13

Ok, a conexão com o servidor funciona, não há erros no arquivo /var/log/auth.log e, quando faço um comando "sudo", recebo duas perguntas de senha (uma local e outra para o LDAP), mas os usuários LDAP ainda estão não na lista "getent passwd" ...

por 08.09.2014 / 17:41