Como posso evitar que o MYSQL grave no disco?


Estou usando o MEMORY Engine para todas as tabelas associadas a uma consulta MYSQL em particular, porque a velocidade de acesso é fundamental para o meu projeto.

Por algum motivo, notei que uma grande quantidade de E / S de disco ainda ocorre!



| ft_max_word_len                                   | 84
| ft_min_word_len                                   | 4
| ft_query_expansion_limit                          | 20
| ft_stopword_file                                  | (built-in)
| general_log                                       | OFF
| general_log_file                                  | C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\Data\FXMachine.log
| group_concat_max_len                              | 1024
| have_compress                                     | YES
| have_crypt                                        | NO
| have_csv                                          | YES
| have_dynamic_loading                              | YES
| have_geometry                                     | YES
| have_innodb                                       | DISABLED
| have_ndbcluster                                   | NO
| have_openssl                                      | DISABLED
| have_partitioning                                 | YES
| have_profiling                                    | YES
| have_query_cache                                  | YES
| have_rtree_keys                                   | YES
| have_ssl                                          | DISABLED
| have_symlink                                      | YES
| hostname                                          | FXMachine
| ignore_builtin_innodb                             | OFF
| init_connect                                      |
| init_file                                         |
| init_slave                                        |
| interactive_timeout                               | 28800
| join_buffer_size                                  | 25600
| keep_files_on_create                              | OFF
| key_buffer_size                                   | 25165824
| key_cache_age_threshold                           | 300
| key_cache_block_size                              | 1024
| key_cache_division_limit                          | 100
| large_files_support                               | ON
| large_page_size                                   | 0
| large_pages                                       | OFF
| lc_messages                                       | en_US
| lc_messages_dir                                   | C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\share\
| lc_time_names                                     | en_US
| license                                           | GPL
| local_infile                                      | ON
| lock_wait_timeout                                 | 31536000
| log                                               | OFF
| log_bin                                           | OFF
| log_bin_trust_function_creators                   | OFF
| log_error                                         | C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\Data\FXMachine.err
| log_output                                        | FILE
| log_queries_not_using_indexes                     | OFF
| log_slave_updates                                 | OFF
| log_slow_queries                                  | OFF
| log_warnings                                      | 1
| long_query_time                                   | 10.000000
| low_priority_updates                              | OFF
| lower_case_file_system                            | ON
| lower_case_table_names                            | 1
| max_allowed_packet                                | 1048576
| max_binlog_cache_size                             | 4096
| max_binlog_size                                   | 4096
| max_binlog_stmt_cache_size                        | 4096
| max_connect_errors                                | 10
| max_connections                                   | 10
| max_delayed_threads                               | 20
| max_error_count                                   | 64
| max_heap_table_size                               | 134217728
| max_insert_delayed_threads                        | 20
| max_join_size                                     | 18446744073709551615
| max_length_for_sort_data                          | 1024
| max_long_data_size                                | 1048576
| max_prepared_stmt_count                           | 16382
| max_relay_log_size                                | 0
| max_seeks_for_key                                 | 4294967295
| max_sort_length                                   | 1024
| max_sp_recursion_depth                            | 0
| max_tmp_tables                                    | 32
| max_user_connections                              | 0
| max_write_lock_count                              | 4294967295
| min_examined_row_limit                            | 0
| multi_range_count                                 | 256
| myisam_data_pointer_size                          | 6
| myisam_max_sort_file_size                         | 2146435072
| myisam_mmap_size                                  | 18446744073709551615
| myisam_recover_options                            | OFF
| myisam_repair_threads                             | 1
| myisam_sort_buffer_size                           | 8388608
| myisam_stats_method                               | nulls_unequal
| myisam_use_mmap                                   | OFF
| named_pipe                                        | ON
| net_buffer_length                                 | 16384
| net_read_timeout                                  | 30
| net_retry_count                                   | 10
| net_write_timeout                                 | 60
| new                                               | OFF
| old                                               | OFF
| old_alter_table                                   | OFF
| old_passwords                                     | OFF
| open_files_limit                                  | 2324
| optimizer_prune_level                             | 1
| optimizer_search_depth                            | 62
| optimizer_switch                                  | index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_inter
,engine_condition_pushdown=on |
| performance_schema                                | OFF
| performance_schema_events_waits_history_long_size | 10000
| performance_schema_events_waits_history_size      | 10
| performance_schema_max_cond_classes               | 80
| performance_schema_max_cond_instances             | 1000
| performance_schema_max_file_classes               | 50
| performance_schema_max_file_handles               | 32768
| performance_schema_max_file_instances             | 10000
| performance_schema_max_mutex_classes              | 200
| performance_schema_max_mutex_instances            | 1000000
| performance_schema_max_rwlock_classes             | 30
| performance_schema_max_rwlock_instances           | 1000000
| performance_schema_max_table_handles              | 100000
| performance_schema_max_table_instances            | 50000
| performance_schema_max_thread_classes             | 50
| performance_schema_max_thread_instances           | 1000
| pid_file                                          | C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\Data\
| plugin_dir                                        | C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\lib/plugin
| port                                              | 0
| preload_buffer_size                               | 32768
| profiling                                         | OFF
| profiling_history_size                            | 15
| protocol_version                                  | 10
| query_alloc_block_size                            | 8192
| query_cache_limit                                 | 1048576
| query_cache_min_res_unit                          | 4096
| query_cache_size                                  | 0
| query_cache_type                                  | OFF
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate                      | OFF
| query_prealloc_size                               | 8192
| range_alloc_block_size                            | 4096
| read_buffer_size                                  | 67108864
| read_only                                         | OFF
| read_rnd_buffer_size                              | 4194304
| relay_log                                         |
| relay_log_index                                   |
| relay_log_info_file                               |
| relay_log_purge                                   | ON
| relay_log_recovery                                | OFF
| relay_log_space_limit                             | 0
| report_host                                       |
| report_password                                   |
| report_port                                       | 3306
| report_user                                       |
| rpl_recovery_rank                                 | 0
| secure_auth                                       | OFF
| secure_file_priv                                  |
| server_id                                         | 0
| shared_memory                                     | OFF
| shared_memory_base_name                           | MYSQL
| skip_external_locking                             | ON
| skip_name_resolve                                 | OFF
| skip_networking                                   | ON
| skip_show_database                                | OFF
| slave_compressed_protocol                         | OFF
| slave_exec_mode                                   | STRICT
| slave_load_tmpdir                                 | C:\Windows\TEMP
| slave_net_timeout                                 | 3600
| slave_skip_errors                                 | OFF
| slave_transaction_retries                         | 10
| slave_type_conversions                            |
| slow_launch_time                                  | 2
| slow_query_log                                    | OFF
| slow_query_log_file                               | C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\Data\FXMachine-slow.log
| socket                                            | mysql
| sort_buffer_size                                  | 32768
| sql_auto_is_null                                  | OFF
| sql_big_selects                                   | ON
| sql_big_tables                                    | OFF
| sql_buffer_result                                 | OFF
| sql_log_bin                                       | OFF
| sql_log_off                                       | OFF
| sql_low_priority_updates                          | OFF
| sql_max_join_size                                 | 18446744073709551615
| sql_mode                                          | STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION
| sql_notes                                         | ON
| sql_quote_show_create                             | ON
| sql_safe_updates                                  | OFF
| sql_select_limit                                  | 18446744073709551615
| sql_slave_skip_counter                            | 0
| sql_warnings                                      | OFF
| ssl_ca                                            |
| ssl_capath                                        |
| ssl_cert                                          |
| ssl_cipher                                        |
| ssl_key                                           |
| storage_engine                                    | MyISAM
| sync_binlog                                       | 0
| sync_frm                                          | ON
| sync_master_info                                  | 0
| sync_relay_log                                    | 0
| sync_relay_log_info                               | 0
| system_time_zone                                  | Eastern Daylight Time
| table_definition_cache                            | 400
| table_open_cache                                  | 128
| thread_cache_size                                 | 0
| thread_concurrency                                | 10
| thread_handling                                   | one-thread-per-connection
| thread_stack                                      | 262144
| time_format                                       | %H:%i:%s
| time_zone                                         | SYSTEM
| timed_mutexes                                     | OFF
| tmp_table_size                                    | 134217728
| tmpdir                                            | C:\Windows\TEMP
| transaction_alloc_block_size                      | 8192
| transaction_prealloc_size                         | 4096
| tx_isolation                                      | REPEATABLE-READ
| unique_checks                                     | ON
| updatable_views_with_limit                        | YES
| version                                           | 5.5.11
| version_comment                                   | MySQL Community Server (GPL)
| version_compile_machine                           | x86
| version_compile_os                                | Win64
| wait_timeout                                      | 28800
por Mike Furlender 22.05.2011 / 02:26

3 respostas


Se você for armazenar todos os seus dados na memória, você também pode considerar usar um "banco de dados" de memória como Redis ou VoltDB.

por 22.05.2011 / 06:08

O link a seguir pode lançar alguma luz sobre o seu problema: link

If an internal temporary table is created initially as an in-memory table but becomes too large, MySQL automatically converts it to an on-disk table. The maximum size for in-memory temporary tables is the minimum of the tmp_table_size and max_heap_table_size values....

por 22.05.2011 / 05:47

Se você precisar de um armazenamento de memória, suponho que não seja necessário persistir os valores (caso contrário, não seria sensato usar uma tabela de memória). Se esse for o caso, você pode usar um dos "bancos de dados" sugeridos por Joshua ou usar o memcached , que é bastante rápido.

por 22.05.2011 / 06:17