Script Powershell para criar pastas a partir da lista de usuários do CSV


Eu encontrei um script powershell que cria pastas (se elas não existirem) e adiciona permissões apropriadas. Abaixo está o arquivo PS1 (criado por outra pessoa)

#  Script name: SetFolderPermission.ps1
#  Author:      [email protected]
#  Homepage:

param ([string]$Path, [string]$Access, [string]$Permission = ("Modify"), [switch]$help)

function GetHelp() {

$HelpText = @"

NAME: SetFolderPermission.ps1
Sets FolderPermissions for User on a Folder.
Creates folder if not exist.

-Path           Folder to Create or Modify (Required)
-User           User who should have access (Required)
-Permission     Specify Permission for User, Default set to Modify (Optional)
-help           Prints the HelpFile (Optional)

./SetFolderPermission.ps1 -Path C:\Folder\NewFolder -Access Domain\UserName -Permission FullControl

Creates the folder C:\Folder\NewFolder if it doesn't exist.
Sets Full Control for Domain\UserName

./SetFolderPermission.ps1 -Path C:\Folder\NewFolder -Access Domain\UserName

Creates the folder C:\Folder\NewFolder if it doesn't exist.
Sets Modify (Default Value) for Domain\UserName

./SetFolderPermission.ps1 -help

Displays the help topic for the script

Below Are Available Values for -Permission




function CreateFolder ([string]$Path) {

    # Check if the folder Exists

    if (Test-Path $Path) {
        Write-Host "Folder: $Path Already Exists" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
    } else {
        Write-Host "Creating $Path" -Foregroundcolor Green
        New-Item -Path $Path -type directory | Out-Null

function SetAcl ([string]$Path, [string]$Access, [string]$Permission) {

    # Get ACL on FOlder

    $GetACL = Get-Acl $Path

    # Set up AccessRule

    $Allinherit = []"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
    $Allpropagation = []"None"
    $AccessRule = New-Object$Access, $Permission, $AllInherit, $Allpropagation, "Allow")

    # Check if Access Already Exists

    if ($GetACL.Access | Where { $_.IdentityReference -eq $Access}) {

        Write-Host "Modifying Permissions For: $Access" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

        $AccessModification = New-Object
        $AccessModification.value__ = 2
        $Modification = $False
        $GetACL.ModifyAccessRule($AccessModification, $AccessRule, [ref]$Modification) | Out-Null
    } else {

        Write-Host "Adding Permission: $Permission For: $Access"


    Set-Acl -aclobject $GetACL -Path $Path

    Write-Host "Permission: $Permission Set For: $Access" -ForeGroundColor Green

if ($help) { GetHelp }

if ($Path -AND $Access -AND $Permission) { 
    CreateFolder $Path 
    SetAcl $Path $Access $Permission

Para executar este script, eu uso este comando. ./SetFolderPermission.ps1 -Path E: \ TestFolder \ UsernameX -Acesso Domínio \ UsernameX -Permission modify

Como posso fazer isso para que eu possa usar apenas um comando e chamá-lo para criar as pastas de um arquivo CSV?

por JohnyV 05.09.2010 / 12:00

2 respostas


Isso deve fazer o truque: -

# Read in List of Users
$ListofUsers=Get-Content "UserList.csv"
foreach ($User in $ListofUsers)
SetFolderPermission.ps1 -Path E:\TestFolder\$User
por 07.09.2010 / 03:32

Eu modificaria um pouco o comando do Gary e usaria o Import-Csv

# Read in List of Users
$rows=Import-Csv "UserList.csv"
foreach ($row in $rows) {
  $UsernameX = $row.UserName
  ./SetFolderPermission.ps1 -Path E:\TestFolder\$UsernameX -Access Domain\$UsernameX -Permission modify
por 01.10.2010 / 07:25