tar erro para um Drobo FS: Não é possível fechar: Erro de entrada / saída, Saindo com status de falha devido a erros anteriores


Estamos executando este backup de tar de uma estação de trabalho do Fedora 25 para um Drobo FS há alguns anos e, nas últimas semanas, está começando a gerar erros com o seguinte, mas parece que está completo:

/bin/tar: /mypath/etc-new.tgz: Cannot close:
Input/output error
/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Failed to rename /mypath/home-new.tgz to
/mypath/home.tgz: File exists

Backup of /etc FAILED

Backed up /etc to /mypath/etc-FAILED.tgz
Backed up /root to /mypath/root.tgz
Backed up /usr/local to /mypath/usr-local.tgz
Backed up /var/lib to /mypath/var-lib.tgz
Backed up /var/log to /mypath/var-log.tgz
Backed up /var/www to /mypath/var-www.tgz
Backed up /var/yp to /mypath/var-yp.tgz
Second try renamed /mypath/home-new.tgz to

Aqui está o comando tar completo em ação:

/usr/local/sbin/drobo-backup -n -v -c /etc/drobo-backup.conf
\Reading configfile /etc/drobo-backup.conf
/bin/mkdir /mypath
ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 /bin/tar -cf /mypath/home-new.tgz -C / --atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed home --exclude=.gvfs --exclude='Windows 7.vdi'
/bin/mkdir /mypath
ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 /bin/tar -cf /mypath/etc-new.tgz -C / --atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed etc
/bin/mkdir /mypath
ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 /bin/tar -cf /mypath/root-new.tgz -C / --atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed root
/bin/mkdir /mypath
ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 /bin/tar -cf /mypath/usr-local-new.tgz -C / --atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed usr/local
/bin/mkdir /mypath
ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 /bin/tar -cf /mypath/var-lib-new.tgz -C / --atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed var/lib --exclude=/var/lib/yum --exclude=/var/lib/rpm
/bin/mkdir /mypath
ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 /bin/tar -cf /mypath/var-log-new.tgz -C / --atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed var/log
/bin/mkdir /mypath
ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 /bin/tar -cf /mypath/var-www-new.tgz -C / --atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed var/www
/bin/mkdir /mypath
ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 /bin/tar -cf /mypath/var-yp-new.tgz -C / --atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed var/yp

Os únicos logs que posso ver que podem estar relacionados são estes que são cerca de 30 minutos antes do relatório de erro chegar por e-mail:

Mar  3 01:08:31 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: Server drobo has not responded in 120 seconds. Reconnecting...
Mar  3 01:09:29 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: sends on sock ffff99407356fc00 stuck for 15 seconds
Mar  3 01:09:29 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -11 sending data on socket to server
Mar  3 01:09:44 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: sends on sock ffff99407356fc00 stuck for 15 seconds
Mar  3 01:09:44 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -11 sending data on socket to server
Mar  3 01:10:25 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: sends on sock ffff99407356fc00 stuck for 15 seconds
Mar  3 01:10:25 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -11 sending data on socket to server
Mar  3 01:12:09 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: sends on sock ffff994089f78a00 stuck for 15 seconds
Mar  3 01:12:09 myworkstation kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -11 sending data on socket to server

Um mantenedor do GNU tar diz isto :

The 'close()' syscall returned non-zero value and errno was set to EIO. That sounds like some underlying issue with your hardware.

Mas os autotestes no Drobo FS não indicam nenhum erro ou aviso. O tar s é completo, mas talvez haja algo com o comando ou " sensível à posição "sintaxe? O erro sempre acontece em /etc/ . Temos algumas outras estações de trabalho fazendo exatamente esses mesmos backups para o mesmo Drobo FS e sem erros.

por RobbieTheK 03.03.2017 / 16:01

1 resposta


Eu acredito que encontrei o problema. Parece que o Tracker foi o culpado. Aqui estão algumas dicas dos registros:

ouruser journal: *** Unsupported operation detected on trash directory
ouruser journal:  dir: /home/users/username/.local/share/Trash/files, file: files, type: 4#012
ouruser journal: unable to create file '/run/user/1234/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly.
ouruser journal: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'kpdf'.
ouruser journal: Could not create FTS delete statement: table fts5 has no column named nco:hobby
ouruser journal: unable to create file '/run/user/1234/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly.
ouruser journal: Could not create FTS delete statement: table fts5 has no column named nco:hobby
ouruser kernel: CIFS VFS: Server drobo-rh has not responded in 120 seconds. Reconnecting...
ouruser kernel: CIFS VFS: sends on sock ffff8d96e7af4000 stuck for 15 seconds
ouruser kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -11 sending data on socket to server

E da tarefa cron executando o backup de tar:

/bin/tar: /ourdomain/etc-new.tgz: Cannot close:
Input/output error
/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Failed to rename /drobo/ourdomain/home-new.tgz to
/ourdomain/home.tgz: File exists

Backup of /etc FAILED

Então /home está em sua própria partição:

/dev/mapper/vg_ouruser-LogVol02 /home                   ext4    defaults        1 2

Acredito que o Tracker acaba sendo executado durante o backup e estava tentando indexar a Lixeira. Quando o backup termina /home e continua em /etc , é quando os erros de tar aparecem. Excluí a Lixeira desse usuário e decidi remover o RPM do Rastreador . O erro desapareceu (esperançosamente permanentemente!).

por 19.04.2017 / 16:37
