Valor não documentado na classe DfsrIdRecordInfo


De acordo com o MSDN ( link ) estes são os únicos valores possíveis do atributo "flags" da classe wmi DfsrIdRecordInfo:

Data type: uint8 Access type: Read-only

A combination of flags for present, authoritative, and file type flags.

PRESENT_FLAG 0x1 The resource is not a tombstone; it is available on the computer.

NAME_CONFLICT_FLAG 0x2 The tombstone was generated because of a name conflict. This flag is meaningful only for tombstones.

UID_VISIBLE_FLAG 0x4 The ID record has already been sent out to other partners; therefore, other partners are aware of this resource.

JOURNAL_WRAP_FLAG 0x10 The volume has had a journal wrap and the resource has not been checked to determine if there is any change by the journal wrap recovery process.

PENDING_TOMBSTONE_FLAG 0x20 The ID record is in the process of being tombstoned (or deleted.)

Quando eu verifico um dos meus arquivos, ele informa um valor de "5" para seu atributo flags. O que diabos um valor de "5" significa?

__GENUS              : 2
__CLASS              : DfsrIdRecordInfo
__SUPERCLASS         : 
__DYNASTY            : DfsrIdRecordInfo
__RELPATH            : DfsrIdRecordInfo.Uid="{6A33C970-929A-4052-ACB5-92520F3B0E7C}-v3794"
__DERIVATION         : {}
__SERVER             : MYSERVER
__NAMESPACE          : root\microsoftdfs
__PATH               : \MYSERVER\root\microsoftdfs:DfsrIdRecordInfo.Uid="{6A33C970-929A-4052-ACB5-92520F3B0E7C}-v3794"
Attributes           : 32
Clock                : 20130322134516.934807-000
CreateTime           : 20130322134514.017682-000
Fence                : 3
Fid                  : 1970324837048435
FileHash             : 6ab5e41820f1c6d0 91fd3ef981e4d98f
FileName             : test.txt
****Flags                : 5*****
FullPathName         : C:\Myfolder\test.txt
GVsn                 : {6A33C970-929A-4052-ACB5-92520F3B0E7C}-v3795
Index                : 1536
ParentUid            : {D1AC58C9-B5DB-4595-8D7A-BF271866B18D}-v1
ReplicatedFolderGuid : D1AC58C9-B5DB-4595-8D7A-BF271866B18D
Uid                  : {6A33C970-929A-4052-ACB5-92520F3B0E7C}-v3794
UpdateTime           : 20130322141644.440697-000
Usn                  : 303139856
Volume               : \.\C:
PSComputerName       : MYSERVER
por red888 22.03.2013 / 19:02

1 resposta


Está documentado claramente, ênfase minha:

A combination of flags [note the plural] for present, authoritative, and file type flags.

Usando seus valores:

Flag Combination 0x5

Isso indica que PRESENT_FLAG e UID_VISIBLE_FLAG estão definidos.

por 22.03.2013 / 19:08
