What's the consequences that I don't install the standard system utilities of debian?
Sem instalar o standard system utilities
, você terá um sistema operacional funcionando , mas precisará da maior parte do utilities
Eu testei o debian em uma instalação offline do Virtualbox sem uma GUI e sem standard system utilities
. A saída de apt list --installed > installed.txt
é aqui .
A partir do SO instalado, eu configurei apt
porque não está funcionando totalmente apenas a atualização de segurança está ativada:
deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main
então eu instalei uma GUI, aqui estão os dois passos que eu executo:
1) Para configurar meu sources.list
, tenho comentários nas seguintes linhas:
deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/ jessie/updates main
deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/ jessie/updates main
Em seguida, adicione:
deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/ jessie main
deb-src http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/ jessie main
2) Executando tasksel
para instalar o Gui: eu montei o debian.iso para salvar a largura de banda, conectando-me à internet e instalando meu desktop.
Atualizando o pacote e tudo funciona bem.
NB, o standard system utilities
não está disponível " depois de executar tasksel
no sistema instalado.
Esta tarefa está disponível apenas durante a instalação e contém os seguintes pacotes:
# tasksel --task-packages standard
Corresponde ao seguinte comando:
aptitude search ~pstandard ~prequired ~pimportant -F%p
Os seguintes níveis de prioridade são reconhecidos pelo gerenciamento de pacotes Debian ferramentas.
Packages which are necessary for the proper functioning of the system (usually, this means that dpkg functionality depends on these packages). Removing a required package may cause your system to become totally broken and you may not even be able to use dpkg to put things back, so only do so if you know what you are doing. Systems with only the required packages are probably unusable, but they do have enough functionality to allow the sysadmin to boot and install more software.
Important programs, including those which one would expect to find on any Unix-like system. If the expectation is that an experienced Unix person who found it missing would say "What on earth is going on, where is foo?", it must be an important package.[6] Other packages without which the system will not run well or be usable must also have priority important. This does not include Emacs, the X Window System, TeX or any other large applications. The important packages are just a bare minimum of commonly-expected and necessary tools.
These packages provide a reasonably small but not too limited character-mode system. This is what will be installed by default if the user doesn't select anything else. It doesn't include many large applications.