Isso funciona para mim com o Linux 3.9.0 em uma arquitetura x86_64.
# This assumes the interfaces come up with default names of eth*.
# The interface names may not be correct at this point, however.
# This is just a way to get the PCI addresses of all the active
# interfaces.
for dir in /sys/class/net/eth* ; do
[ -e $dir/device ] && {
PCIADDRLIST="'readlink -f $dir/device' ${PCIADDRLIST}"
# Now assign the interface names from an ordered list that maps
# to the PCI addresses of each interface.
# IFNAMES could come from some config file. "dummy" is needed because of
# my limited tr- and awk-fu.
IFNAMES="eth0 eth1 eth2 dummy"
for dir in 'echo ${PCIADDRLIST} | tr " " "\n" | sort' ; do
[ -e $dir/net/*/address ] && {
MACADDR='cat $dir/net/*/address'
IFNAME='echo $IFNAMES | awk '{print $1}''
IFNAMES='echo $IFNAMES | awk '{ for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s ", $i; }''
echo -n "$IFNAME "
nameif $IFNAME mac=$MACADDR