Como posso cortar um monitor de 1920x1200 para 1920x1080?


Acabei de comprar um monitor de 1920x1200 e tenho algumas situações em que quero forçar a saída para o 1920x1080 mais comum. No entanto, não quero distorcer a saída e preferiria uma barra preta de "corte" na parte inferior.

Alguns sugeriram o uso de xrandr fb e transform no caso geral, mas não consigo entender como o transform funciona. Esta abordagem é adequada para o meu caso e, em caso afirmativo, qual comando eu usaria?

== EDIT ==

De man xrandr

   --transform a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i
          Specifies a transformation matrix to apply on the  output.  Automati‐
          cally  a  bilinear  filter is selected.  The mathematical form corre‐
          sponds to:
                 a b c
                 d e f
                 g h i
          The transformation is based on homogeneous  coordinates.  The  matrix
          multiplied  by  the  coordinate vector of a pixel of the output gives
          the transformed coordinate vector of a pixel in the  graphic  buffer.
          More precisely, the vector (x y) of the output pixel is extended to 3
          values (x y w), with 1 as the w coordinate and multiplied against the
          matrix. The final device coordinates of the pixel are then calculated
          with the so-called homogenic division by the  transformed  w  coordi‐
          nate.   In  other words, the device coordinates (x' y') of the trans‐
          formed pixel are:
                 x' = (ax + by + c) / w'   and
                 y' = (dx + ey + f) / w'   ,
                 with  w' = (gx + hy + i)  .
          Typically, a and e corresponds to the scaling on the X and Y axes,  c
          and  f  corresponds to the translation on those axes, and g, h, and i
          are respectively 0, 0 and 1. The matrix can also be used  to  express
          more  complex  transformations  such as keystone correction, or rota‐
          tion.  For a rotation of an angle T, this formula can be used:
                 cos T  -sin T   0
                 sin T   cos T   0
                  0       0      1
          As a special argument, instead of passing a matrix, one can pass  the
          string none, in which case the default values are used (a unit matrix
          without filter).
por Sparhawk 21.02.2014 / 16:04

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