O peixe tem um “espaço mágico”?


Eu entendo que bash tem uma função de "espaço mágico", onde se eu faço, por exemplo sudo !!<space> vai explodir em sudo ./my_last_command . Existe algo similar no peixe?

por Xodarap 27.01.2011 / 19:30

1 resposta


Do FAQ na fonte (não consigo encontrar nenhuma documentação on-line):

Why doesn't history substitution ("!$" etc.) work?

Because history substitution is an awkward interface that was invented before interactive line editing was even possible. Fish drops it in favor of perfecting the interactive history recall interface. Switching requires a small change of habits: if you want to modify an old line/word, first recall it, then edit. E.g. don't type "sudo !!" - first press Up, then Home, then type "sudo ".

por 27.01.2011 / 19:40
