Instale o pacote qalculate-gtk
Qalculate! is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a graphical interface that uses a one-line fault-tolerant expression entry (although it supports optional traditional buttons).
apt install qalculate-gtk
inicie o aplicativo, você verá a seguinte mensagem:
You need to download exchange rates to be able to convert
between different currencies. You can later get current
exchange rates by selecting "Update Exchange Rates" under the File menu.
Do you want to fetch exchange rates now from the Internet?
Clique em Sim, no menu, selecione Unidades e moeda.
apt install gnome-calculator
The GNOME calculator is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and scientific modes. It uses a multiple precision package to do its arithmetic to give a high degree of accuracy.
No Modo Avançado, selecione Modo Financeiro. Além disso, o modo de teclado permite converter moeda.