Eu olhei em volta, mas não encontrei nenhuma função incorporada que parecesse que faria o que você queria.
Você pode encontrar as seguintes funções úteis: (variações incluídas para coincidências sobrepostas e não sobrepostas a partir do início ou do fim da string; todas elas suportam padrões de múltiplos caracteres com algumas restrições ou limitações em torno dos usos de \zs
e / ou \ze
function! s:AllOverlappableMatches(str, pat)
" Restriction: a:pat should not use \ze
let indicies = []
let index = 0
let splits = split(a:str, '\ze'.a:pat, 1)
for segment in splits
if len(segment) == 0
call add(indicies, index)
let index += len(segment)
return indicies
function! s:AllOverlappableMatchesFromEnd(str, pat)
" Restriction: a:pat should not use \ze
return reverse(s:AllOverlappableMatches(a:str, a:pat))
function! s:AllNonoverlappingMatches(str, pat)
" If a:pat uses \zs, the returned indicies will be based on that
" position.
" If a:pst uses \ze, subsequent matches may re-use characters
" after \ze that were consumed, but not 'matched' (due to \ze)
" in earlier matches.
let indicies = []
let start = 0
let next = 0
while next != -1
let next = match(a:str, a:pat, start)
if next != -1
call add(indicies, next)
let start = matchend(a:str, a:pat, start)
return indicies
function! s:AllNonoverlappingMatchesFromEnd(str, pat)
" If a:pat uses \zs, the returned indicies will be based on that
" position.
let str = a:str
let indicies = []
let start = len(a:str) - 1
while start >= 0
let next = match(str, '.*\zs' . a:pat, start)
if next != -1
call add(indicies, next)
let str = str[ : next - 1]
let start -= 1
return indicies
echo s:AllOverlappableMatchesFromEnd('abcabc', '[abc]')
" -> [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
echo s:AllOverlappableMatchesFromEnd('dabcabc', '[abc]')
" -> [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
echo s:AllOverlappableMatchesFromEnd('dab - cabc', '[abc]')
" -> [9, 8, 7, 6, 2, 1]
echo s:AllOverlappableMatchesFromEnd('dab - cabce', '[abc]')
" -> [9, 8, 7, 6, 2, 1]
echo s:AllOverlappableMatchesFromEnd('dab - cabc', '[abc]\{2}')
" -> [8, 7, 6, 1]
echo s:AllOverlappableMatches('dab - cabc', '[abc]\{2}')
" -> [1, 6, 7, 8] 0123456789
echo s:AllNonoverlappingMatches('dab - cabc', '[abc]\{2}')
" -> [1, 6, 8] 0123456789
echo s:AllNonoverlappingMatchesFromEnd('dab - cabca', '[abc]\{2}')
" -> [9, 7, 1] 0123456789A
echo s:AllNonoverlappingMatchesFromEnd('ab - cabca', '[abc]\{2}')
" -> [8, 6, 0] 0123456789
echo s:AllNonoverlappingMatchesFromEnd('abcabc', '[abc]\{2}')
" -> [4, 2, 0] 012345
echo s:AllNonoverlappingMatchesFromEnd(' ab c abcd', '[abc]\{2}')
" -> [7, 1] 0123456789
echo s:AllNonoverlappingMatchesFromEnd('abcabc', '[abc]\{2}')
" -> [4, 2, 0] 012345
echo s:AllNonoverlappingMatches( 'abcabcabbc', 'abc')
" -> [0, 3] 0123456789
echo s:AllNonoverlappingMatchesFromEnd( 'abcdabcabbc', 'abc')
" -> [4, 0] 0123456789A
" A multi-character, overlappable pattern
echo s:AllOverlappableMatchesFromEnd( 'aaaabcaaac', 'aaa')
" -> [6, 1, 0] 0123456789