Problemas de dependência atualizando para estender: não é possível abrir * .dpkg-new


Eu apenas tentei atualizar o Debian usando as instruções em este site . Na segunda vez que executei o upgrade (após a reinicialização, o primeiro upgrade e dist-upgrade foi bem), o processo parou durante a instalação do gnome-themes-standard-data_3.22.2-2_all.deb com o erro unable to open '/usr/share/themes/Adwaita-dark/gtk-3.0/gtk.css.dpkg-new': No such file or directory .

Aparentemente, .../Adwaita-dark/gtk-3.0/ é um link simbólico para ../Adwaita/gtk-3.0/

Saída relevante:

Instalação com correção fixa:

root@a:/home/user# LC_ALL=C apt --fix-broken install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  fonts-freefont-ttf gstreamer0.10-nice gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad libbasicusageenvironment0 libcdaudio1 libchromaprint0 libdirac-encoder0 libdvbpsi9 libgroupsock1 libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-0 liblircclient0
  liblivemedia23 libmimic0 libpostproc52 libprotobuf9 libslv2-9 libsoundtouch0 libswscale3 libusageenvironment1 libvncclient0 libwildmidi1 libxcb-composite0 vlc-nox
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following additional packages will be installed:
  aptitude aptitude-common djvulibre-bin gir1.2-gepub-0.4 gir1.2-lokdocview-0.1 glib-networking glib-networking-common glib-networking-services gnome-documents gnome-system-monitor gnome-themes-standard-data
  libatkmm-1.6-1v5 libbasicusageenvironment1 libcairo-perl libcairomm-1.0-1v5 libclass-c3-xs-perl libcwidget3v5 libdvbpsi10 libebml4v5 libgd-perl libgepub0 libglib-perl libglibmm-2.4-1v5 libgnome2-canvas-perl
  libgnome2-perl libgnome2-vfs-perl libgnome2-wnck-perl libgoo-canvas-perl libgroupsock8 libgsf-bin libgtk2-imageview-perl libgtk2-unique-perl libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 libgtkmm-3.0-1v5 libjson-xs-perl
  liblibreofficekitgtk liblivemedia57 liblocale-gettext-perl libmatroska6v5 libmouse-perl libnet-dbus-perl libopenmpt-modplug1 libpangomm-1.4-1v5 libproxy-tools libproxy1v5 libqt5concurrent5 libqt5dbus5
  libqt5network5 libqt5opengl5 libqt5printsupport5 libqt5qml5 libqt5quick5 libqt5script5 libqt5sql5 libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5test5 libqt5webkit5 libqt5x11extras5 libqt5xml5 libreoffice-gtk3 libreofficekit-data
  libsndio6.1 libsoprano4 libtext-iconv-perl libtext-soundex-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libusageenvironment3 libuuid-perl libvlc-bin libvlccore8 libxapian30 libxml-parser-perl phonon-backend-vlc
  soprano-daemon vlc vlc-bin vlc-data vlc-l10n vlc-nox vlc-plugin-base vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-qt vlc-plugin-samba vlc-plugin-video-output
Suggested packages:
  apt-xapian-index debtags djvulibre-desktop libfont-freetype-perl libcwidget-dev qt5-qmltooling-plugins sndiod xapian-tools virtuoso-minimal libdvdcss2
Recommended packages:
  vlc-plugin-skins2 vlc-plugin-video-splitter vlc-plugin-visualization
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  libatkmm-1.6-1 libcairomm-1.0-1 libcwidget3 libebml4 libebook-1.2-14 libebook-contacts-1.2-0 libedata-book-1.2-20 libfarstream-0.1-0 libglibmm-2.4-1c2a libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a libgtkmm-3.0-1 libmatroska6
  libpangomm-1.4-1 libphonenumber6 libproxy1 vlc-plugin-pulse
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  gir1.2-gepub-0.4 gir1.2-lokdocview-0.1 libatkmm-1.6-1v5 libbasicusageenvironment1 libcairomm-1.0-1v5 libcwidget3v5 libdvbpsi10 libebml4v5 libgepub0 libglibmm-2.4-1v5 libgroupsock8 libgsf-bin libgtkmm-2.4-1v5
  libgtkmm-3.0-1v5 liblibreofficekitgtk liblivemedia57 libmatroska6v5 libopenmpt-modplug1 libpangomm-1.4-1v5 libproxy1v5 libqt5x11extras5 libreoffice-gtk3 libreofficekit-data libsndio6.1
  libtypes-serialiser-perl libusageenvironment3 libvlc-bin libxapian30 vlc-bin vlc-l10n vlc-plugin-base vlc-plugin-qt vlc-plugin-video-output
The following packages will be upgraded:
  aptitude aptitude-common djvulibre-bin glib-networking glib-networking-common glib-networking-services gnome-documents gnome-system-monitor gnome-themes-standard-data libcairo-perl libclass-c3-xs-perl
  libgd-perl libglib-perl libgnome2-canvas-perl libgnome2-perl libgnome2-vfs-perl libgnome2-wnck-perl libgoo-canvas-perl libgtk2-imageview-perl libgtk2-unique-perl libjson-xs-perl liblocale-gettext-perl
  libmouse-perl libnet-dbus-perl libproxy-tools libqt5concurrent5 libqt5dbus5 libqt5network5 libqt5opengl5 libqt5printsupport5 libqt5qml5 libqt5quick5 libqt5script5 libqt5sql5 libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5test5
  libqt5webkit5 libqt5xml5 libsoprano4 libtext-iconv-perl libtext-soundex-perl libuuid-perl libvlccore8 libxml-parser-perl phonon-backend-vlc soprano-daemon vlc vlc-data vlc-nox vlc-plugin-notify
51 upgraded, 33 newly installed, 16 to remove and 528 not upgraded.
3 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0 B/43.2 MB of archives.
After this operation, 4922 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
Reading changelogs... Done
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
(Reading database ... 344160 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../gnome-themes-standard-data_3.22.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking gnome-themes-standard-data (3.22.2-2) over ( ...
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-themes-standard-data_3.22.2-2_all.deb (--unpack):
 unable to open '/usr/share/themes/Adwaita-dark/gtk-3.0/gtk.css.dpkg-new': No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Instalação forçada do Dpkg:

root@a:/home/user# LC_ALL=C dpkg -i --force-depends /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-themes-standard-data_3.22.2-2_all.deb 
(Reading database ... 344160 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../gnome-themes-standard-data_3.22.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking gnome-themes-standard-data (3.22.2-2) over ( ...
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-themes-standard-data_3.22.2-2_all.deb (--install):
 unable to open '/usr/share/themes/Adwaita-dark/gtk-3.0/gtk.css.dpkg-new': No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing:

Dpkg configure pendente:

root@a:/home/user# LC_ALL=C dpkg --configure --pending --abort-after=2000
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gnome-themes-standard:amd64:
 gnome-themes-standard:amd64 depends on gnome-themes-standard-data (= 3.22.2-2); however:
  Version of gnome-themes-standard-data on system is

dpkg: error processing package gnome-themes-standard:amd64 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gparted:
 gparted depends on libatkmm-1.6-1v5 (>= 2.24.0); however:
  Package libatkmm-1.6-1v5 is not installed.
 gparted depends on libglibmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 2.50.0); however:
  Package libglibmm-2.4-1v5 is not installed.
 gparted depends on libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 1:2.24.0); however:
  Package libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 is not installed.
 gparted depends on libpangomm-1.4-1v5 (>= 2.40.0); however:
  Package libpangomm-1.4-1v5 is not installed.

dpkg: error processing package gparted (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of inkscape:
 inkscape depends on libatkmm-1.6-1v5 (>= 2.24.0); however:
  Package libatkmm-1.6-1v5 is not installed.
 inkscape depends on libcairomm-1.0-1v5 (>= 1.12.0); however:
  Package libcairomm-1.0-1v5 is not installed.
 inkscape depends on libglibmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 2.50.0); however:
  Package libglibmm-2.4-1v5 is not installed.
 inkscape depends on libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 1:2.24.0); however:
  Package libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 is not installed.
 inkscape depends on libpangomm-1.4-1v5 (>= 2.40.0); however:
  Package libpangomm-1.4-1v5 is not installed.

dpkg: error processing package inkscape (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Dpkg --configure:

root@a:/home/user# LC_ALL=C dpkg --configure -a
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gnome-themes-standard:amd64:
 gnome-themes-standard:amd64 depends on gnome-themes-standard-data (= 3.22.2-2); however:
  Version of gnome-themes-standard-data on system is

dpkg: error processing package gnome-themes-standard:amd64 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gparted:
 gparted depends on libatkmm-1.6-1v5 (>= 2.24.0); however:
  Package libatkmm-1.6-1v5 is not installed.
 gparted depends on libglibmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 2.50.0); however:
  Package libglibmm-2.4-1v5 is not installed.
 gparted depends on libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 1:2.24.0); however:
  Package libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 is not installed.
 gparted depends on libpangomm-1.4-1v5 (>= 2.40.0); however:
  Package libpangomm-1.4-1v5 is not installed.

dpkg: error processing package gparted (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of inkscape:
 inkscape depends on libatkmm-1.6-1v5 (>= 2.24.0); however:
  Package libatkmm-1.6-1v5 is not installed.
 inkscape depends on libcairomm-1.0-1v5 (>= 1.12.0); however:
  Package libcairomm-1.0-1v5 is not installed.
 inkscape depends on libglibmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 2.50.0); however:
  Package libglibmm-2.4-1v5 is not installed.
 inkscape depends on libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 1:2.24.0); however:
  Package libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 is not installed.
 inkscape depends on libpangomm-1.4-1v5 (>= 2.40.0); however:
  Package libpangomm-1.4-1v5 is not installed.

dpkg: error processing package inkscape (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:


root@a:/home/user# LC_ALL=C apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 adwaita-icon-theme : Breaks: gnome-themes-standard-data (< 3.18.0-2~) but is installed
 aptitude : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 djvulibre-bin : Depends: libdjvulibre21 (= but is installed
 gnome-documents : Depends: libgnome-desktop-3-10 (>= 3.11.90) but it is not installable
 gnome-system-monitor : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 gnome-themes-standard : Depends: gnome-themes-standard-data (= 3.22.2-2) but is installed
 gparted : Depends: libatkmm-1.6-1v5 (>= 2.24.0) but it is not installed
           Depends: libglibmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 2.50.0) but it is not installed
           Depends: libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 1:2.24.0) but it is not installed
           Depends: libpangomm-1.4-1v5 (>= 2.40.0) but it is not installed
 inkscape : Depends: libatkmm-1.6-1v5 (>= 2.24.0) but it is not installed
            Depends: libcairomm-1.0-1v5 (>= 1.12.0) but it is not installed
            Depends: libglibmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 2.50.0) but it is not installed
            Depends: libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 1:2.24.0) but it is not installed
            Depends: libpangomm-1.4-1v5 (>= 2.40.0) but it is not installed
            Recommends: python-scour but it is not installed
 libatkmm-1.6-1 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libcairo-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libcairomm-1.0-1 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libclass-c3-xs-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libcwidget3 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libfarstream-0.1-0 : Depends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-good (>= 0.10.29) but it is not installable
 libgd-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libglib-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libglibmm-2.4-1c2a : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libgnome2-canvas-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-vfs-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-wnck-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgoo-canvas-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgtk2-imageview-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgtk2-unique-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libgtkmm-3.0-1 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libjson-xs-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 liblocale-gettext-perl : PreDepends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libmouse-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libnet-dbus-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libpangomm-1.4-1 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libphonenumber6 : Depends: libboost-date-time1.55.0 but it is not installable
 libqt5concurrent5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5dbus5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5network5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5opengl5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
                 Depends: libqt5gui5 (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
                 Depends: libqt5widgets5 (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5printsupport5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
                       Depends: libqt5gui5 (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
                       Depends: libqt5widgets5 (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5qml5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-3-2 but it is not installable
 libqt5quick5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-3-2 but it is not installable
 libqt5script5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-3-2 but it is not installable
 libqt5sql5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5sql5-sqlite : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5test5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5webkit5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-3-2 but it is not installable
 libqt5xml5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libsoprano4 : Depends: libclucene-core1 (>= but it is not installable
 libtext-iconv-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libtext-soundex-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libuuid-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libxml-parser-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 vlc-nox : Depends: libtag1c2a (>= 1.9.1) but it is not installable
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).


root@a:/home/user# LC_ALL=C apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 adwaita-icon-theme : Breaks: gnome-themes-standard-data (< 3.18.0-2~) but is installed
 aptitude : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 djvulibre-bin : Depends: libdjvulibre21 (= but is installed
 gnome-documents : Depends: libgnome-desktop-3-10 (>= 3.11.90) but it is not installable
 gnome-system-monitor : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 gnome-themes-standard : Depends: gnome-themes-standard-data (= 3.22.2-2) but is installed
 gparted : Depends: libatkmm-1.6-1v5 (>= 2.24.0) but it is not installed
           Depends: libglibmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 2.50.0) but it is not installed
           Depends: libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 1:2.24.0) but it is not installed
           Depends: libpangomm-1.4-1v5 (>= 2.40.0) but it is not installed
 inkscape : Depends: libatkmm-1.6-1v5 (>= 2.24.0) but it is not installed
            Depends: libcairomm-1.0-1v5 (>= 1.12.0) but it is not installed
            Depends: libglibmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 2.50.0) but it is not installed
            Depends: libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 (>= 1:2.24.0) but it is not installed
            Depends: libpangomm-1.4-1v5 (>= 2.40.0) but it is not installed
            Recommends: python-scour but it is not installed
 libatkmm-1.6-1 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libcairo-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libcairomm-1.0-1 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libclass-c3-xs-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libcwidget3 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libfarstream-0.1-0 : Depends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-good (>= 0.10.29) but it is not installable
 libgd-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libglib-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libglibmm-2.4-1c2a : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libgnome2-canvas-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-vfs-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgnome2-wnck-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgoo-canvas-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgtk2-imageview-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgtk2-unique-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libgtkmm-3.0-1 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libjson-xs-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 liblocale-gettext-perl : PreDepends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libmouse-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libnet-dbus-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libpangomm-1.4-1 : Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
 libphonenumber6 : Depends: libboost-date-time1.55.0 but it is not installable
 libqt5concurrent5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5dbus5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5network5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5opengl5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
                 Depends: libqt5gui5 (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
                 Depends: libqt5widgets5 (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5printsupport5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
                       Depends: libqt5gui5 (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
                       Depends: libqt5widgets5 (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5qml5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-3-2 but it is not installable
 libqt5quick5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-3-2 but it is not installable
 libqt5script5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-3-2 but it is not installable
 libqt5sql5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5sql5-sqlite : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5test5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libqt5webkit5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-3-2 but it is not installable
 libqt5xml5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2) but 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1 is installed
 libsoprano4 : Depends: libclucene-core1 (>= but it is not installable
 libtext-iconv-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libtext-soundex-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libuuid-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 libxml-parser-perl : Depends: perlapi-5.20.0 but it is not installable
 vlc-nox : Depends: libtag1c2a (>= 1.9.1) but it is not installable
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).


deb stretch/updates main contrib
deb-src stretch/updates main contrib

deb stretch main contrib non-free
deb-src stretch main contrib non-free
por Robe 22.06.2017 / 15:58

2 respostas


/usr/share/themes/Adwaita-dark/gtk-3.0/ foi um link simbólico para /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-3.0/ . Depois de remover o link simbólico com sudo rm /usr/share/themes/Adwaita-dark/gtk-3.0/ , o atualizador de pacotes criou essa pasta (não mais como um link) e o processo de instalação funcionou bem.

A criação das pastas / arquivo mkdir /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/ , mkdir /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-3.0 ou touch /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-3.0/gtk.css não foi suficiente.

por 26.06.2017 / 18:06

Eu uso frequentemente aptitude para navegar pelas dependências. Tente atualizar alguns pacotes por vez.

Verifique também os pacotes instalados localmente, que geralmente não estão mais disponíveis no Debian. Tente removê-los.

Na minha caixa de ferramentas, tenho os seguintes comandos:

  • dpkg --configure --pending , geralmente com a opção --abort-after=2000 . O padrão 50 é impraticável.

  • vá para /var/cache/apt/archives e dpkg -i --force-depends package_version.dpkg (o arquivo nesse diretório). Nesse caso, forço a instalação de um pacote (e com -r para remover um pacote, mas, nesse caso, o nome do pacote, não o nome do arquivo). --force-override também é outra opção útil. Estes são necessários quando há algumas dependências quebradas. Normalmente, com nomes de pacotes, é óbvio que a substituição de uma série inteira de pacotes pela nova versão de uma série de pacotes é a maneira correta de continuar (esperamos que os novos pacotes tenham dependências corretas, apenas um caminho de atualização interrompido). / p>

De qualquer forma, termino com alguns dpkg --configure --pending e novo apt update , para que as dependências corretas sejam finalmente corrigidas.

Mas você deve fazer isso com o devido cuidado. Você pode realmente quebrar seu sistema: Ao forçar a instalação, tente bloquear no mesmo diretório todos os pacotes com a mesma versão e tente instalá-los juntos. Os pacotes relacionados, de uma única fonte, têm a mesma versão, e as grandes séries geralmente têm números de versão exclusivos (raramente você os verá na versão 2.0). Tente não forçar libc / glibc e pacotes fundamentais que você precisa para um resgate de emergência do sistema.

por 22.06.2017 / 16:25