Não é possível montar com sucesso o telefone Samsung


Correndo 15.10 Wily. Instalado usando o ISO mínimo (instalação de rede) e o núcleo selecionado do Xubuntu. Depois de instalar o procinfo e executar o ls_usb, posso ver o dispositivo quando ele está conectado

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04e8:6860 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd Galaxy (MTP)

No entanto, o dispositivo não pode ser encontrado para interagir com ele e montar os sistemas de arquivos. Tentei seguir as instruções de Will neste tópico here , mas quando cheguei ao sexto passo,

sudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/mtp/phone

Eu obtenho o seguinte

    Listing raw device(s)
Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is a Samsung Galaxy models (MTP).
   Found 1 device(s):
   Samsung: Galaxy models (MTP) (04e8:6860) @ bus 1, dev 11
Attempting to connect device
Error 2: PTP Layer error 02ff: get_handles_recursively(): could not get object handles.
Error 2: Error 02ff: PTP: I/O error
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 7: Found a bad handle, trying to ignore it.
Error 2: PTP Layer error 02ff: get_handles_recursively(): could not get object handles.
Error 2: Error 02ff: PTP: I/O error
Listing File Information on Device with name: (NULL)
LIBMTP_Get_Storage() failed:-1
Error 2: PTP Layer error 02ff: Error getting friendlyname.
Error 2: Error 02ff: PTP: I/O error

pela primeira vez. Eu tentei uma segunda vez depois de dis- e depois reconectar o dispositivo novamente e consegui

Listing raw device(s)
Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is a Samsung Galaxy models (MTP).
   Found 1 device(s):
   Samsung: Galaxy models (MTP) (04e8:6860) @ bus 1, dev 12
Attempting to connect device
Listing File Information on Device with name: Garm

Agora, inserindo t o comando final

ls -lt /media/mtp/phone/Card

retorna um erro

ls: cannot access /media/mtp/Android: Transport endpoint is not connected

(eu substituí 'telefone' por 'Android' no nome da pasta e comandos para melhor ajustar meu esquema de nomenclatura usual; ele ainda diz 'telefone' acima porque eu simplesmente copiei & gt; colei do outro thread)

Por favor, informe.

Mais informações :: Seguindo outro thread que sugeriu que o problema pode estar no udev, eu tentei esta solução , para ser saudada com o seguinte erro

adduser: The group 'fuse' does not exist.

ao tentar me adicionar ao grupo. Eu deveria ter um grupo assim?

Para evitar conflitos de 'soluções' (e manter a instalação o mais limpa possível), eu removi

  • /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
  • mtpfs, mtp-tools (limpeza do apt-get)
  • as pastas / media e / media / mtp que criamos (uma estava ocupada e teve que ser excluída após a reinicialização)

Portanto, devemos começar de novo, tendo desfeito invertido minhas tentativas anteriores.

por Silvestris 07.04.2016 / 02:42

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