A compilação do CUPS falha no Cygwin


Eu fui corajoso e tentei compilar o CUPS em um ambiente Cygwin de 32 bits. Eu usei as fontes padrão do tarball.

Tudo correu bem até ligar.


Aqui está o final da transcrição:

Compiling raster.c...
raster.c:1: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent)
Linking libcupsimage.so.2...
../cups/libcups.a(file.o): In function 'cupsFileRewind':
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:1465: undefined reference to '_inflateEnd'
../cups/libcups.a(file.o): In function 'cups_fill':
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:2096: undefined reference to '_crc32'
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:2098: undefined reference to '_inflateInit2_'
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:2133: undefined reference to '_inflate'
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:2136: undefined reference to '_crc32'
../cups/libcups.a(file.o): In function 'cupsFileSeek':
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:1569: undefined reference to '_inflateEnd'
../cups/libcups.a(file.o): In function 'cups_compress':
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:1873: undefined reference to '_crc32'
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:1900: undefined reference to '_deflate'
../cups/libcups.a(file.o): In function 'cupsFileOpenFd':
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:996: undefined reference to '_deflateInit2_'
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:1002: undefined reference to '_crc32'
../cups/libcups.a(file.o): In function 'cupsFileClose':
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:121: undefined reference to '_inflateEnd'
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:150: undefined reference to '_deflate'
/opt/cups/cups-1.4.8/cups/file.c:174: undefined reference to '_deflateEnd'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:331: recipe for target 'libcupsimage.so.2' failed
make[1]: *** [libcupsimage.so.2] Error 1
Makefile:34: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 1

O que fazer?

por mit 20.04.2012 / 11:10

1 resposta


Dê uma olhada na porta CUPS em cygwin-ports , eles fornecem a versão 1.4.6 a partir de 30 de janeiro de 2011.

patches bastante ...

por 20.04.2012 / 11:55