é uma ferramenta debian que ajuda o desenvolvedor do Debian a melhorar futuras versões da distribuição que pode ser usada para atingir seu objetivo. o comando popcon-largest-unused
listará os pacotes não utilizados.
The popularity-contest package sets up a cron job that will periodically anonymously submit to the Debian developers statistics about the most used Debian packages on this system.
concurso de popularidade do homem
The popularity-contest command gathers information about Debian packages installed on the system, and prints the name of the most recently used executable program in that package as well as its last-accessed time (atime) and last-attribute-changed time (ctime) to stdout.
apt install popularity-contest
popularity-contest > /var/log/popularity-contest
Based on the list of unused packages reported by popularity-contest, this program extract the package size from the APT cache, and list the unused packages sorted by size.