CentOS PXE / Anaconda / kickstart esperando para reunir entropia suficiente


Ao iniciar um sistema CentOS 7 com o kickstarting, com a configuração da criptografia completa do disco, o processo do anaconda ou trava na obtenção de entropia suficiente ou levará os 10 minutos inteiros (período de timeout).

Existe uma maneira de apontar para o servidor kickstart para obter entropia suficiente ou algum outro método? Com instalações autônomas, isso adiciona muito tempo a todo o processo quando ele funciona. Quando não precisa ser reiniciado para tentar novamente.


por asolak 21.07.2017 / 12:07

1 resposta


Instalar haveged no servidor para resolver a falta de problema de entropia.

sudo yum install haveged

De homem conseguiu

The HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion) algorithum harvests the indirect effects of hardware events on hidden processor state (caches, branch predictors, memory translation tables, etc) to generate a random sequence. The effects of interrupt service on processor state are visible from userland as timing variations in program execution speed. Using a branch-rich calculation that fills the processor instruction and data cache, a high resolution timer source such as the processor time stamp counter can generate a random sequence even on an "idle" system.

In Linux, the hardware events that are the ultimate source of any random number sequence are pooled by the /dev/random device for later distribution via the device interface. The standard mechanism of harvesting randomness for the pool may not be sufficient to meet demand, especially on those systems with high needs or limited user interaction. Haveged provides a daemon to fill /dev/random whenever the supply of random bits in /dev/random falls below the low water mark of the device.

por 22.07.2017 / 00:30