Script highlight_focus para destacar a tela atual não funciona


Eu gostaria de instalar este script da discussão a seguir, que me permite destacar a tela atual.


Eu uso o linux mint e o Cinnamon desktop, e segui as instruções, instalando wmctrl , salvando o script como highlight_focus , efetuando logout e executando o script com python3.

A saída que recebo é a seguinte:

no second screen seems to be connected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/fabrizio/Documents/Linux Scripts/", line 50, in <module>
    left_scr = screendata[1][0][0]; right_scr = screendata[1][1]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

Eu tenho três telas, dois monitores (um é HDMI e o outro DVI) e a tela original do laptop, que está desativada.


por Fabrizio Bertoglio 03.02.2017 / 11:11

1 resposta


Eu mudei o script original. Agora ele verifica se há mais de um monitor (não exatamente 2). Também mudei a lógica de detecção de monitores ativos. Ainda não funciona para mais de 2 monitores, mas deve funcionar para você.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
In a side-by-side dual monitor setup (left-right), the script below will give
a short dim- flash on the newly focussed screen if the focussed screen changes

import subprocess
import time

def get_wposition():
    # get the position of the currently frontmost window
        w_data = subprocess.check_output(["wmctrl", "-lG"]).decode("utf-8").splitlines()
        frontmost = subprocess.check_output(["xprop", "-root", "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW"]).decode("utf-8").split()[-1].strip()
        z = 10-len(frontmost); frontmost = frontmost[:2]+z*"0"+frontmost[2:]
        return [int(l.split()[2]) for l in w_data if frontmost in l][0]
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

def get_onscreen():
    # get the size of the desktop, the names of both screens and the x-resolution of the left screen
    resdata = subprocess.check_output(["xrandr"]).decode("utf-8")
    if resdata.count(" connected") >= 2:
        resdata = resdata.splitlines()
        r = resdata[0].split(); span = int(r[r.index("current")+1])
        screens = [l for l in resdata if " connected" in l]
        lr = [[(l.split()[0], int([s.split("x")[0] for s in l.split() if "+0+0" in s][0])) for l in screens if "+0+0" in l][0],
               [l.split()[0] for l in screens if not "+0+0" in l and "+0" in l][0]]
        return [span, lr]
        print("no second screen seems to be connected")

def scr_position(span, limit, pos):
    # determine if the frontmost window is on the left- or right screen
    if limit < pos < span:
        return [right_scr, left_scr]
        return [left_scr, right_scr]

def highlight(scr1):
    # highlight the "active" window, dim the other one
    subprocess.Popen([ "xrandr", "--output", scr1, "--brightness", "0.3"])
    subprocess.Popen([ "xrandr", "--output", scr1, "--brightness", "1.0"])

# determine the screen setup
screendata = get_onscreen()
left_scr = screendata[1][0][0]; right_scr = screendata[1][1]
print(left_scr, right_scr)
limit = screendata[1][0][1]; span = screendata[0]

# set initial highlight
oncurrent1 = []

while True:
    pos = get_wposition()
    # bypass possible incidental failures of the wmctrl command
    if pos != None:
        oncurrent2 = scr_position(span, limit, pos)
        # only set highlight if there is a change in active window
        if oncurrent2 != oncurrent1:
        oncurrent1 = oncurrent2
por 03.02.2017 / 17:12