wacom desativa o cursor quando a caneta faz contato com o tablet (CTH480)


Então, ando brincando com o xsetwacom com a minha wacom e gostaria de tocar a caneta no tablet sem pensar que quero que o "botão esquerdo do mouse" seja pressionado. A razão para isso é mover a caneta sem selecionar os meios que pairam sobre o tablet, o que pode ser impreciso. Eu quero usar o primeiro botão da caneta para ser um botão esquerdo do mouse. Eu tenho uma longa lista de parâmetros para xsetwacom, mas não tenho certeza de como usar a caneta para navegar no tablet sem selecionar (ao tocar)

xsetwacom --list parameters

Area             - Valid tablet area in device coordinates.
Button           - X11 event to which the given button should be mapped. 
ToolDebugLevel   - Level of debugging trace for individual tools (default is 0 [off]). 
TabletDebugLevel - Level of debugging statements applied to shared code paths between all tools associated with the same tablet (default is 0 [off]). 
Suppress         - Number of points trimmed (default is 2). 
RawSample        - Number of raw data used to filter the points (default is 4). 
PressureCurve    - Bezier curve for pressure (default is 0 0 100 100 [linear]). 
Mode             - Switches cursor movement mode (default is absolute). 
TabletPCButton   - Turns on/off Tablet PC buttons (default is off for regular tablets, on for Tablet PC). 
Touch            - Turns on/off Touch events (default is on). 
HWTouchSwitchState - Touch events turned on/off by hardware switch. 
Gesture          - Turns on/off multi-touch gesture events (default is on). 
ZoomDistance     - Minimum distance for a zoom gesture (default is 50). 
ScrollDistance   - Minimum motion before sending a scroll gesture (default is 20). 
TapTime          - Minimum time between taps for a right click (default is 250). 
CursorProximity  - Sets cursor distance for proximity-out in distance from the tablet (default is 10 for Intuos series, 42 for Graphire series). 
Rotate           - Sets the rotation of the tablet. Values = none, cw, ccw, half (default is none). 
RelWheelUp       - X11 event to which relative wheel up should be mapped. 
RelWheelDown     - X11 event to which relative wheel down should be mapped. 
AbsWheelUp       - X11 event to which absolute wheel up should be mapped. 
AbsWheelDown     - X11 event to which absolute wheel down should be mapped. 
AbsWheel2Up      - X11 event to which absolute wheel up should be mapped. 
AbsWheel2Down    - X11 event to which absolute wheel down should be mapped. 
StripLeftUp      - X11 event to which left strip up should be mapped. 
StripLeftDown    - X11 event to which left strip down should be mapped. 
StripRightUp     - X11 event to which right strip up should be mapped. 
StripRightDown   - X11 event to which right strip down should be mapped. 
Threshold        - Sets tip/eraser pressure threshold (default is 27). 
ResetArea        - Resets the bounding coordinates to default in tablet units. 
ToolType         - Returns the tool type of the associated device. 
ToolSerial       - Returns the serial number of the current device in proximity.
ToolID           - Returns the tool ID of the current tool in proximity.
ToolSerialPrevious - Returns the serial number of the previous device in proximity.
BindToSerial     - Binds this device to the serial number.
TabletID         - Returns the tablet ID of the associated device. 
PressureRecalibration - Turns on/off Tablet pressure recalibration
MapToOutput      - Map the device to the given output. 
all              - Get value for all parameters. 
por andykais 23.03.2015 / 21:03

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