Isso alcançará seu objetivo declarado
awk -v sport=Badminton -F $'\t' '$1 == sport { country[$2]++ } END { for (c in country) { printf "%s\t%d\n", c, country[c] } }' Sport.txt
Resultados usando seu exemplo Sport.txt
Korea 1
Spain 2
# Set the awk variable 'sport' and the field separator as a tab, and read the file
awk -v sport=Badminton -F $'\t' '...code...' Sport.txt
# If the first field matches, increment the count for this country
$1 == sport { country[$2]++ }
# When there is no more input, print out each country and its count
END { for (c in country) { printf "%s\t%d\n", c, country[c] } }