Seguindo conselho do meuh escrevi um script Python para alterar as senhas de todas as entradas que correspondem a certas condições (por exemplo, um certo nome de usuário e nome do servidor). O script solicita a senha antiga como uma verificação de integridade e altera apenas as entradas com a senha antiga especificada. Uso de amostra:
gnome-keyring-change-passwords 'user|username_value=^gilles$' 'action_url|server=acme\.example\.com'
Aviso: o código foi executado satisfatoriamente uma vez. Essa é a extensão do meu teste.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import getpass, re, sys
import gnomekeyring
def getpass2(prompt):
input1 = getpass.getpass(prompt)
input2 = getpass.getpass('Repeat ' + prompt)
if input1 != input2:
raise ValueError, 'password mismatch'
return input1
def check_conditions(conditions, attributes):
for (names, regexp) in conditions:
value = ''
for name in names:
if attributes.has_key(name):
value = attributes[name]
if not, value): return False
return True
def parse_condition_string(arg):
eq = arg.index('=')
return arg[:eq].split('|'), re.compile(arg[eq+1:])
def change_passwords(keyring_name, conditions, old_password, new_password):
'''Change the password in many Gnome Keyring entries to new_password.
Iterate over the keyring keyring_name. Only items matching conditions and where
the current password is old_password are considered. The argument conditions
is a list of elements of the form (names, regexp) where names is a list of
attribute names. An item matches the condition if the value of the first
attribute in names that is present on the item contains a match for regexp.
all_items = gnomekeyring.list_item_ids_sync(keyring_name)
for item in all_items:
attributes = gnomekeyring.item_get_attributes_sync(keyring_name, item)
if not check_conditions(conditions, attributes): continue
info = gnomekeyring.item_get_info_sync(keyring_name, item)
display_name = info.get_display_name()
if info.get_secret() == old_password:
print 'changing:', display_name
gnomekeyring.item_set_info_sync(keyring_name, item, info)
print 'has different password, skipping:', display_name
def change_password_ui(condition_strings):
conditions = map(parse_condition_string, condition_strings)
old_password = getpass.getpass('Old password:')
new_password = getpass2('New password:')
change_passwords('login', conditions, old_password, new_password)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '--help' in sys.argv:
sys.stdout.write('''Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' [CONDITION...]
Change multiple entries in the Gnome Keyring login keyring.
Prompt for the old and new password. Only entries for which the old password
matches are modified.