Encaminhar e-mail, mas alterar o endereço DE


Eu tenho um servidor postfix em execução em uma instância do EC2. Desejo encaminhar todos os e-mails, via SES, para minha caixa de entrada pessoal.

O problema: a AWS permite apenas um endereço FROM verificado no console da AWS e o endereço FROM nesse caso poderia ser qualquer coisa, por exemplo: twitter.com. Não posso listar em branco o IP do meu servidor e dizer: "Aceitar todos os emails desta localização, independentemente do remetente" (seria uma má ideia de qualquer forma)

Então, preciso descobrir uma maneira de encaminhar meu e-mail com um endereço confirmado, mas não quero perder o endereço do remetente original.

Existe uma maneira de fazer isso?

por Sammaye 30.08.2017 / 18:52

2 respostas


Com base em nossa discussão no bate-papo, fornecerei a minha solução personalizada e rápida que mudará o endereço "FROM" como esperamos que seja e entregue no ponto de destino original, mas adicione a opção "Responder". -Para "cabeçalho.

Esta é uma abordagem muito agressiva, mas deve manipular as mensagens como você espera antes de realmente enviá-las via PostFix para onde elas precisam ir.

Primeiro, as portas PostFix precisam ser alteradas . Precisamos alterar a porta SMTP do Postfix para algo diferente de 25 , para que o manipulador SMTP do Python que vamos configurar funcione nessa porta.

Edite /etc/postfix/master.cf . Você vai estar procurando por uma linha como esta:

smtp      inet  n       -       y       -       -       smtpd

Comente esta linha e, abaixo dessa linha, use isso:

10025      inet  n       -       y       -       -       smtpd

Isso diz ao Postfix que não queremos que ele escute na porta SMTP padrão. Reinicie o serviço postfix quando terminar esta etapa.

Em seguida, o manipulador SMTP do Python que mencionei acima. Isto irá lidar com mensagens recebidas, manipulá-las e reenviá-las para o PostFix no seu sistema. Assumindo, é claro, que todos os e-mails sejam enviados na porta 25, mesmo localmente.

Este código existe em um GitHub GIST e é baseado em um exemplo genérico de código de servidor SMTP Python que eu tenho em algum lugar ( mas não se lembre de onde desculpe!), e desde então manipulado.

O código também está aqui, está no Python 3, caso você esteja curioso, e está escrito com o Python 3 como a versão do Python de destino:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Libraries
import smtplib
import smtpd
import asyncore
import email
import sys
from datetime import datetime

print('Starting custom mail handling server...')

# We need to know where the SMTP server is heh.
SMTP_OUTBOUND = 'localhost'

# We also need to know what we want the "FROM" address to be
FROM_ADDR = "[email protected]"
DESTINATION_ADDRESS = "[email protected]"


# noinspection PyMissingTypeHints,PyBroadException
class AutoForwardHandlerSMTP(smtpd.SMTPServer):

    def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data, **kwargs):
        print('MESSAGE RECEIVED - [%s]' % datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        print('Receiving message from:', peer)
        print('Message addressed from:', mailfrom)
        print('Message addressed to  :', rcpttos)
        print('Message length        :', len(data))

        # Flush the output buffered (handy with the nohup launch)

        # Analyze and extract data headers
        msg = email.message_from_string(data)
        orig_from = ''
            orig_from = msg['From']
            msg['Reply-To'] = orig_from
            # We have to use 'replace header' methods to overwrite existing headers.
            msg.replace_header("From", FROM_ADDR)
            print("Error manipulating headers:", sys.exc_info()[0])

        conn = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_OUTBOUND, 10025)
        conn.sendmail(FROM_ADDR, msg["To"], msg.as_string())

        # Flush the output buffered (handy with the nohup launch)

# Listen to port 25 ( can be replaced by the ip of your server but that will work with )
server = AutoForwardHandlerSMTP(('', 25), None)

# Wait for incoming emails

Armazene isso como /opt/PythonAutoForwarderSMTP.py , ou como você quiser chamá-lo. Execute-o com o seguinte como root (via sudo ou soltando em um prompt de usuário root ), primeiro, para ter certeza de que funciona como esperávamos:

python3 /opt/PythonAutoForwarderSMTP.py

Quando a corrida estiver confirmada, envie um e-mail pelo servidor. Ele deve ser selecionado e fornecer dados de registro desse script que uma mensagem foi recebida e processada. Você também deve ver uma conexão nos logs do Postfix, e esta sendo entregue em algum lugar após o Postfix. Se tudo isso estiver correto, e você processar a mensagem corretamente e vê-la com um endereço 'De' diferente, sempre que a mensagem de correio acabar, poderemos trabalhar para que ela inicie automaticamente agora! (Você pode simplesmente pressionar Ctrl + C para fechar o processo python, antes de continuar).

Supondo que queremos que ele seja iniciado na inicialização, precisamos configurá-lo para fazer isso.

Como root , execute crontab -e e adicione o seguinte ao root crontab:

@reboot /usr/bin/python3 /opt/PythonAutoForwarderSMTP.py 2>&1 >> /var/log/PythonSMTP.log &

Salve o arquivo crontab. Se você não quiser reinicializar seu servidor, execute a linha de comando que acabou de adicionar, menos a @reboot part, para executar o manipulador SMTP do Python.

Se executado por cron ou não, o processo que carrega o Python terminará bifurcado no plano de fundo e também colocará todos os dados de saída (erro ou de outra forma no console do Python) em um arquivo de log em /var/log/PythonSMTP.log in Anexar modo. Dessa forma, você sempre pode obter registros conforme necessário.

Se tudo funcionar conforme o esperado, isso adicionará um cabeçalho "Responder para" corretamente e também ajustará o cabeçalho "De" na mensagem para ser o que esperamos que seja. Não posso garanta que isso funcionará corretamente para a verificação de SPF e DKIM, se as mensagens forem assinadas, mas posso dizer que isso irá 'pré-processar' as mensagens antes de usar o Postfix para retransmiti-las em outro lugar.

OBLIGATORY Security Concerns and Functional Change Notifications:

  • Sender DKIM verification may fail. DKIM signature verification fails whenever messages that are signed are manipulated, which means you might have broken DKIM signatures from senders. That means things might get picked up as spam due to failed signature verification. This script can probably be customized to 'work' properly, but I didn't write this to do DKIM/SPF checking.
  • We must run this Python SMTP server as root. This is necessary because in Linux by default we can't bind to ports under 1024 unless we are superuser; this is why Postfix has a master 'root' owned process and does sub-processes that don't run as the root user for very long only to port-bind.
  • ALL mail on port 25 will end up going through this Python SMTP server. If Postfix also handles mail from outside->in, then the Python SMTP server will be taking its place. This can introduce some evils, but ultimately does what you're asking for.
  • This is a fragile solution. While it's not as fragile as some other solutions, if the Python process dies, it doesn't come back up automatically, so you have to handle errors on a case-by-case basis and sometimes bring the Python process back to life if it dies off completely.

As always, you should not run anything as root unless you know what you're doing. In this case, I provide the code for this in plain view so you can discern for yourself what this script does, and whether you want to run it as root or not, if you are security-centric and paranoid like I am (I am an IT Security professional as well as a sysadmin, so forgive these obligatory notices)

por 30.08.2017 / 21:28

Além da excelente resposta da @Thomas Ward AWS ter uma maneira "preferida", que é muito semelhante, a única diferença é que ela usa ferramentas internas da AWS para realizar a tarefa em vez de um script python externo.

Há uma diferença fundamental entre essa abordagem e a outra, essa abordagem fará a varredura de vírus / malware e as verificações de DKIM e SPF que você pode testar e ver se eles PASS .

Então, eu segui o README do repositório do GitHub aqui: link

Tudo é por causa desse script. Você o coloca no AWS Lambda e processará os emails das regras do SES.

Aqui está uma cópia da parte de configuração do README :

Nota : altere as coisas como S3-BUCKET-NAME .

  1. Modify the values in the config object at the top of index.js to specify the S3 bucket and object prefix for locating emails stored by SES. Also provide the email forwarding mapping from original destinations to new destination.

  2. In AWS Lambda, add a new function and skip selecting a blueprint.

    • Name the function "SesForwarder" and optionally give it a description. Ensure Runtime is set to Node.js 4.3 or 6.10.

    • For the Lambda function code, either copy and paste the contents of index.js into the inline code editor or zip the contents of the repository and upload them directly or via S3.

    • Ensure Handler is set to index.handler.

    • For Role, choose "Basic Execution Role" under Create New Role. In the popup, give the role a name (e.g., LambdaSesForwarder). Configure the role policy to the following: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "ses:SendRawEmail", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::S3-BUCKET-NAME/*" } ] }

    • Memory can be left at 128 MB, but set Timeout to 10 seconds to be safe. The task usually takes about 30 MB and a few seconds. After testing the task, you may be able to reduce the Timeout limit.

  3. In AWS SES, verify the domains for which you want to receive and forward email. Also configure the DNS MX record for these domains to point to the email receiving (or inbound) SES endpoint. See SES documentation for the email receiving endpoints in each region.

  4. If you have the sandbox level of access to SES, then also verify any email addresses to which you want to forward email that are not on verified domains.

  5. If you have not configured inbound email handling, create a new Rule Set. Otherwise, you can use an existing one.

  6. Create a rule for handling email forwarding functionality.

    • On the Recipients configuration page, add any email addresses from which you want to forward email.

    • On the Actions configuration page, add an S3 action first and then an Lambda action.

    • For the S3 action: Create or choose an existing S3 bucket. Optionally, add an object key prefix. Leave Encrypt Message unchecked and SNS Topic set to [none].

    • For the Lambda action: Choose the SesForwarder Lambda function. Leave Invocation Type set to Event and SNS Topic set to [none].

    • Finish by naming the rule, ensuring it's enabled and that spam and virus checking are used.

    • If you get an error like "Could not write to bucket", follow step 7 before completing this one

    • If you are asked for SES to attempt to add permissions to access lambda:InvokeFunction, agree to it.

  7. The S3 bucket policy needs to be configured so that your IAM user has read and write access to the S3 bucket. When you set up the S3 action in SES, it may add a bucket policy statement that denies all users other than root access to get objects. This causes access issues from the Lambda script, so you will likely need to adjust the bucket policy statement with one like this: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "GiveSESPermissionToWriteEmail", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ses.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::S3-BUCKET-NAME/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:Referer": "AWS-ACCOUNT-ID" } } } ] }

  8. Optionally set the S3 lifecycle for this bucket to delete/expire objects after a few days to clean up the saved emails.

Estou postando uma versão do script no momento da criação desta resposta com uma ou duas alterações.

Percebi que os e-mails que foram roteados duas vezes pelos domínios verificados foram alterados por esse script, por isso, para uma aparência incrível, corrigi-o

"use strict";

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

console.log("AWS Lambda SES Forwarder // @arithmetric // Version 4.2.0");

// Configure the S3 bucket and key prefix for stored raw emails, and the
// mapping of email addresses to forward from and to.
// Expected keys/values:
// - fromEmail: Forwarded emails will come from this verified address
// - subjectPrefix: Forwarded emails subject will contain this prefix
// - emailBucket: S3 bucket name where SES stores emails.
// - emailKeyPrefix: S3 key name prefix where SES stores email. Include the
//   trailing slash.
// - forwardMapping: Object where the key is the lowercase email address from
//   which to forward and the value is an array of email addresses to which to
//   send the message.
//   To match all email addresses on a domain, use a key without the name part
//   of an email address before the "at" symbol (i.e. '@example.com').
//   To match a mailbox name on all domains, use a key without the "at" symbol
//   and domain part of an email address (i.e. 'info').
var defaultConfig = {
  fromEmail: "",
  subjectPrefix: "",
  emailBucket: "ses-sammaye",
  emailKeyPrefix: "email/",
  forwardMapping: {
    "@vvv.com": [
      "[email protected]"
    "@fff.com": [
      "[email protected]"
    "@ggg.com": [
      "[email protected]"
  verifiedDomains: [

 * Parses the SES event record provided for the 'mail' and 'receipients' data.
 * @param {object} data - Data bundle with context, email, etc.
 * @return {object} - Promise resolved with data.
exports.parseEvent = function(data) {
  // Validate characteristics of a SES event record.
  if (!data.event ||
      !data.event.hasOwnProperty('Records') ||
      data.event.Records.length !== 1 ||
      !data.event.Records[0].hasOwnProperty('eventSource') ||
      data.event.Records[0].eventSource !== 'aws:ses' ||
      data.event.Records[0].eventVersion !== '1.0') {
    data.log({message: "parseEvent() received invalid SES message:",
      level: "error", event: JSON.stringify(data.event)});
    return Promise.reject(new Error('Error: Received invalid SES message.'));

  data.email = data.event.Records[0].ses.mail;
  data.recipients = data.event.Records[0].ses.receipt.recipients;
  return Promise.resolve(data);

 * Transforms the original recipients to the desired forwarded destinations.
 * @param {object} data - Data bundle with context, email, etc.
 * @return {object} - Promise resolved with data.
exports.transformRecipients = function(data) {
  var newRecipients = [];
  data.originalRecipients = data.recipients;
  data.recipients.forEach(function(origEmail) {
    var origEmailKey = origEmail.toLowerCase();
    if (data.config.forwardMapping.hasOwnProperty(origEmailKey)) {
      newRecipients = newRecipients.concat(
      data.originalRecipient = origEmail;
    } else {
      var origEmailDomain;
      var origEmailUser;
      var pos = origEmailKey.lastIndexOf("@");
      if (pos === -1) {
        origEmailUser = origEmailKey;
      } else {
        origEmailDomain = origEmailKey.slice(pos);
        origEmailUser = origEmailKey.slice(0, pos);
      if (origEmailDomain &&
          data.config.forwardMapping.hasOwnProperty(origEmailDomain)) {
        newRecipients = newRecipients.concat(
        data.originalRecipient = origEmail;
      } else if (origEmailUser &&
        data.config.forwardMapping.hasOwnProperty(origEmailUser)) {
        newRecipients = newRecipients.concat(
        data.originalRecipient = origEmail;

  if (!newRecipients.length) {
    data.log({message: "Finishing process. No new recipients found for " +
      "original destinations: " + data.originalRecipients.join(", "),
      level: "info"});
    return data.callback();

  data.recipients = newRecipients;
  return Promise.resolve(data);

 * Fetches the message data from S3.
 * @param {object} data - Data bundle with context, email, etc.
 * @return {object} - Promise resolved with data.
exports.fetchMessage = function(data) {
  // Copying email object to ensure read permission
  data.log({level: "info", message: "Fetching email at s3://" +
    data.config.emailBucket + '/' + data.config.emailKeyPrefix +
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      Bucket: data.config.emailBucket,
      CopySource: data.config.emailBucket + '/' + data.config.emailKeyPrefix +
      Key: data.config.emailKeyPrefix + data.email.messageId,
      ACL: 'private',
      ContentType: 'text/plain',
      StorageClass: 'STANDARD'
    }, function(err) {
      if (err) {
        data.log({level: "error", message: "copyObject() returned error:",
          error: err, stack: err.stack});
        return reject(
          new Error("Error: Could not make readable copy of email."));

      // Load the raw email from S3
        Bucket: data.config.emailBucket,
        Key: data.config.emailKeyPrefix + data.email.messageId
      }, function(err, result) {
        if (err) {
          data.log({level: "error", message: "getObject() returned error:",
            error: err, stack: err.stack});
          return reject(
            new Error("Error: Failed to load message body from S3."));
        data.emailData = result.Body.toString();
        return resolve(data);

 * Processes the message data, making updates to recipients and other headers
 * before forwarding message.
 * @param {object} data - Data bundle with context, email, etc.
 * @return {object} - Promise resolved with data.
exports.processMessage = function(data) {
  var match = data.emailData.match(/^((?:.+\r?\n)*)(\r?\n(?:.*\s+)*)/m);
  var header = match && match[1] ? match[1] : data.emailData;
  var body = match && match[2] ? match[2] : '';

  // Add "Reply-To:" with the "From" address if it doesn't already exists
  if (!/^Reply-To: /mi.test(header)) {
    match = header.match(/^From: (.*(?:\r?\n\s+.*)*\r?\n)/m);
    var from = match && match[1] ? match[1] : '';
    if (from) {
      header = header + 'Reply-To: ' + from;
      data.log({level: "info", message: "Added Reply-To address of: " + from});
    } else {
      data.log({level: "info", message: "Reply-To address not added because " +
       "From address was not properly extracted."});

  // SES does not allow sending messages from an unverified address,
  // so replace the message's "From:" header with the original
  // recipient (which is a verified domain)
  header = header.replace(
    /^From: (.*(?:\r?\n\s+.*)*)/mg,
    function(match, from) {
      var fromText;
      var fromEmailDomain = from.replace(/(.*)</, '').replace(/.*@/, "").replace('>', '').trim();
      if (data.config.verifiedDomains.indexOf(fromEmailDomain) === -1) {
        if (data.config.fromEmail) {
          fromText = 'From: ' + from.replace(/<(.*)>/, '').trim() +
          ' <' + data.config.fromEmail + '>';
        } else {
          fromText = 'From: ' + from.replace('<', 'at ').replace('>', '') +
          ' <' + data.originalRecipient + '>';
      } else {
          fromText = 'From: ' + from;
      return fromText;

  // Add a prefix to the Subject
  if (data.config.subjectPrefix) {
    header = header.replace(
      /^Subject: (.*)/mg,
      function(match, subject) {
        return 'Subject: ' + data.config.subjectPrefix + subject;

  // Replace original 'To' header with a manually defined one
  if (data.config.toEmail) {
    header = header.replace(/^To: (.*)/mg, () => 'To: ' + data.config.toEmail);

  // Remove the Return-Path header.
  header = header.replace(/^Return-Path: (.*)\r?\n/mg, '');

  // Remove Sender header.
  header = header.replace(/^Sender: (.*)\r?\n/mg, '');

  // Remove Message-ID header.
  header = header.replace(/^Message-ID: (.*)\r?\n/mig, '');

  // Remove all DKIM-Signature headers to prevent triggering an
  // "InvalidParameterValue: Duplicate header 'DKIM-Signature'" error.
  // These signatures will likely be invalid anyways, since the From
  // header was modified.
  header = header.replace(/^DKIM-Signature: .*\r?\n(\s+.*\r?\n)*/mg, '');

  data.emailData = header + body;
  return Promise.resolve(data);

 * Send email using the SES sendRawEmail command.
 * @param {object} data - Data bundle with context, email, etc.
 * @return {object} - Promise resolved with data.
exports.sendMessage = function(data) {
  var params = {
    Destinations: data.recipients,
    Source: data.originalRecipient,
    RawMessage: {
      Data: data.emailData
  data.log({level: "info", message: "sendMessage: Sending email via SES. " +
    "Original recipients: " + data.originalRecipients.join(", ") +
    ". Transformed recipients: " + data.recipients.join(", ") + "."});
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    data.ses.sendRawEmail(params, function(err, result) {
      if (err) {
        data.log({level: "error", message: "sendRawEmail() returned error.",
          error: err, stack: err.stack});
        return reject(new Error('Error: Email sending failed.'));
      data.log({level: "info", message: "sendRawEmail() successful.",
        result: result});

 * Handler function to be invoked by AWS Lambda with an inbound SES email as
 * the event.
 * @param {object} event - Lambda event from inbound email received by AWS SES.
 * @param {object} context - Lambda context object.
 * @param {object} callback - Lambda callback object.
 * @param {object} overrides - Overrides for the default data, including the
 * configuration, SES object, and S3 object.
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback, overrides) {
  var steps = overrides && overrides.steps ? overrides.steps :
  var data = {
    event: event,
    callback: callback,
    context: context,
    config: overrides && overrides.config ? overrides.config : defaultConfig,
    log: overrides && overrides.log ? overrides.log : console.log,
    ses: overrides && overrides.ses ? overrides.ses : new AWS.SES(),
    s3: overrides && overrides.s3 ?
      overrides.s3 : new AWS.S3({signatureVersion: 'v4'})
  Promise.series(steps, data)
    .then(function(data) {
      data.log({level: "info", message: "Process finished successfully."});
      return data.callback();
    .catch(function(err) {
      data.log({level: "error", message: "Step returned error: " + err.message,
        error: err, stack: err.stack});
      return data.callback(new Error("Error: Step returned error."));

Promise.series = function(promises, initValue) {
  return promises.reduce(function(chain, promise) {
    if (typeof promise !== 'function') {
      return Promise.reject(new Error("Error: Invalid promise item: " +
    return chain.then(promise);
  }, Promise.resolve(initValue));
por 31.08.2017 / 10:43