Montando zpool (servidor Solaris e cliente Freebsd)


Eu tenho um sistema de arquivos Solaris com ZFS e NFS. Eu estou meio perdido sobre como exportar diretórios do sistema operacional Solaris que tem zfs via NFS? Dessa forma eu posso montá-los no cliente Freebsd.

por Loura 29.04.2016 / 05:56

2 respostas


Use a propriedade sharenfs . por exemplo,

zfs set sharenfs=on filesystem

A partir da página man solaris zfs ( link )

sharenfs=on | off | opts

Controls whether the file system is shared over NFS, and what options are used. A file system with a sharenfs property of off is managed through traditional tools such as share(1M), unshare(1M), and dfstab(4). Otherwise, the file system is automatically shared and unshared with the zfs share and zfs unshare commands. If the property is set to on, the share(1M) command is invoked with no options. Otherwise, the share(1M) command is invoked with options equivalent to the contents of this property.

When the sharenfs property is changed for a dataset, the dataset and any children inheriting the property are re-shared with the new options, only if the property was previously off, or if they were shared before the property was changed. If the new property is off, the file systems are unshared.

por 29.04.2016 / 06:10

Aparentemente, você recebeu conselhos sobre como compartilhá-lo no lado do Solaris. A execução de share no servidor mostrará o que é compartilhado (e alguns novos métodos com o Solaris 11).

Depois é só montá-lo no cliente, para uma montagem única: %código% Ou o adicionou ao vfstab ou definido para montar via automounter.

por 03.02.2017 / 00:12