sfdisk não gosta de partições - quer despejar outro disco rígido para restaurar o software RAID


Estou usando o Cent OS 6.5.

Eu tenho dois discos rígidos que são cópias exatas uns dos outros (/ dev / sda e / dev / sdb).

/ dev / sda falhou e teve que ser substituído.

Estou tentando copiar tudo de / dev / sdb para / dev / sda .

Quando tento executar o comando sfdisk -d / dev / sdb | sfdisk / dev / sda , recebo o seguinte resultado:

Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ...

Disk /dev/sda: 121601 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
Old situation:
Units = cylinders of 8225280 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

Device Boot Start     End   #cyls    #blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
/dev/sda2          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
/dev/sda3          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
/dev/sda4          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
New situation:
Units = sectors of 512 bytes, counting from 0

Device Boot    Start       End   #sectors  Id  System
/dev/sda1   *      4096  41947135   41943040  fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sda2      41947136 1952468991 1910521856  fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sda3     1952468992 1953519615    1050624  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda4             0         -          0   0  Empty
Warning: partition 1 does not end at a cylinder boundary

sfdisk: I don't like these partitions - nothing changed.
(If you really want this, use the --force option.)

parted -l retorna o seguinte:

Model: ATA Hitachi HUA72201 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 1000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start  End  Size  Type  File system  Flags

Model: ATA ST1000DM003-9YN1 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 1000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system     Flags
1      2097kB  21.5GB  21.5GB  primary  ext4            boot, raid
2      21.5GB  1000GB  978GB   primary  ext4            raid
3      1000GB  1000GB  538MB   primary  linux-swap(v1)

Eu também tentei sgdisk -R = / dev / sda / dev / sdb mas o comando retorna absolutamente nenhuma saída ou mensagem de erro.

O que eu devo fazer?

por Frederic Hutow 16.09.2014 / 23:05

1 resposta


The requirement to align to cylinder boundaries has been gone for a long time now. With the introduction of drives with 4k blocks and SSDs with 128k erasure blocks it has become neccessary to align to multiples of those instead. An alignment to 1MiB boundaries seems to become the new standard and is what DI uses in squeeze.


Você pode usar a opção --force se achar que o alinhamento está correto.

por 16.09.2014 / 23:20