Quando "Vim: caught deadly signal HUP" followed by "Vim: preserving files".
, todos os arquivos que estão editando são salvos em arquivos de troca. De acordo com vim
The name of the swap file is normally the same as the file you are editing,
with the extension ".swp".
- On Unix, a '.' is prepended to swap file names in the same directory as the
edited file. This avoids that the swap file shows up in a directory
- On MS-DOS machines and when the 'shortname' option is on, any '.' in the
original file name is replaced with '_'.
- If this file already exists (e.g., when you are recovering from a crash) a
warning is given and another extension is used, ".swo", ".swn", etc.
- An existing file will never be overwritten.
- The swap file is deleted as soon as Vim stops editing the file.
Por padrão, o arquivo de troca é armazenado no mesmo diretório com o arquivo original. Você pode encontrá-lo usando este comando:
ls -la .filename.swp