Tente citar o comando e adicione ponto-e-vírgula no final:
$Conf{DumpPostUserCmd} = '/var/lib/backuppc/backuppc_notification_email.sh $xferOK $host $type $client $hostIP $share $XferMethod $sshPath $cmdType';
The configuration file is a perl script that is executed by BackupPC, so you should be careful to preserve the file syntax (punctuation, quotes etc) when you edit it. It is recommended that you use CVS, RCS or some other method of source control for changing config.pl.
Além disso, você pode usar o documento aqui para criar uma mensagem de e-mail:
cat << _EOF_ > "$EMAILMESSAGE"
The filesystem backup for $host $STATUS
Type: $type
Client: $client
Host: $host
Host IP: $hostIP
Share: $share
XferMethod: $XferMethod
sshPath: $sshPath
cmdType: $cmdType